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He was not someone who was usually noticed by people. He was insignificant in their eyes. Just another guy strolling around. No one special. No one who deserved their attention.
It was a day just like that. He had is earphones plugged in, lost in his own world, sketching whatever came to his mind. Observing people, as they didn't even spare him a glance. Why would they of course? He had no significance in this world. He was just guy who'd been born, would live and then eventually die. Accomplishing nothing.

Everyday he sat at this exact spot contemplating his monotonous routine. He was sick of it, but it wasn't like he could do anything about it. He had dreams. Nothing big. Nothing extraordinary. Nothing of significance.
What he would do, would remain insignificant. The feeling was overwhelming.
Insignificance. It was such a meaningful word. It was the only word that could completely describe the turmoil of feelings going through him. He had a few friends. But nothing they did could help him. It was something only he knew about himself. After all, no one knows us better than ourselves isn't it?
And it wasn't like they treated him with special importance.

But today, his gaze stopped at one girl. She was looking at him curiously. As if he wan't just "another guy". He didn't break away as he usually would if he weren't a bit curious himself. This itself caused his mood to lift. It was nice...feeling something apart from the monotony of feelings he was feeling these days.

She gave a hesitant wave. This caused his eyebrows to raise in surprise. Surely she was toying with him. But she seemed genuine. He raised his hand a bit acknowledging her wave, but too shy to give a wave himself. She smiled at him. And diverted her attention.
Of course she would. Why had he gotten his hopes high? He was just plain old him. No one special.

He sat there the next day, expecting nothing unusual. But to his surprise, the girl from yesterday came to him. He removed his earphones. Gave her a confused wave with a slight smile. The girl smiled back and put out her hand for him to shake. He looked around him in confusion. She must be mistaken. On seeing no one he shook her hand.
She introduced herself. Still feeling flustered, he introduced himself as well. She took the seat opposite to him while he scratched his neck.
She starts talking to him.

This becomes his new routine. But this time, he isn't tired of it.
She helped him understand how he's not just another guy. How she noticed him everyday but couldn't find the courage to approach him. How he might not have big dreams, but they are HIS, and fulfilling them for himself is what matters.
He made himself feel insignificant when really, he means so much. Not all people will notice him, but those who do understand his true worth. How he was so special. And wasn't insignificant at all.
All she did was give him a push in the right direction, and that's what made him see how significant he really was.

I understand we often feel insignificant in this huge world and how we think our actions are pointless cause no one will remember them. We don't understand our worth and go on with life just because we have to. We wonder what's the point of all of it. We feel like nothing means anything.
If this is the case let me tell you, you do matter. You matter so much. We all feel insignificant but even the smallest of our actions many time have huge effects. There is a reason we are made, and no reason is small. If it takes you a while to figure out that reason, don't worry just chill. Everything takes its sweet time. I'm sure we all know that by now.

And, don't think of everyday as a monotonous routine, but as a blank page with millions of possibilities. We can do whatever we want however we want cause it's our life. And the only way to feel insignificant if we make ourselves believe that. We need to stop doing that to ourselves. The one constant you'll have in your life is yourself and that's who matters the most.

Ever need to talk? Just message me :)

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