...A nobody in so many...

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She wanted to be known. She wanted the world to hear her. She wanted someone who would listen, someone who would see her for who she was.
But she guessed, she was just a nobody wasn't she? Nobody would see her, nobody would hear her...
She wouldn't be known.....she would just be a nobody, in a world of so many.

At first she really believed that it all wouldn't be in vain, that she could actually be a somebody, in a world of so many. But alas, the only thing it seems, to become somebody, is through lies and deceit.

Maybe, what she did wouldn't matter.....after all, she is a nobody in a world who believes in everything that seems to makes themselves better than one perceives...

She wanted to make a difference. But what's the point? Things will be forgotten, SHE will be forgotten, her very thoughts will be brushed off like a speck of dust in the past.....


She realised, it didn't matter if they cared.....It didn't matter if they didn't  listen..... It didn't matter if they didn't believe in her.......

Because she believed in HERSELF. SHE knew she could do it. There WERE people who cared about her if not all. SHE cared abut herself. She loved herself. SHE had to make a change because she WANTS to, because she wants to make a world a better place for all. She is strong and if she can't do it, who can?..moreover, who will..? SHE is unique and irreplaceable.

She knew that. So she WILL show the world who she can really become.


Have you ever felt like a nobody
In a world of so many?......................

If you have, let me tell you, you aren't alone. You ARE amazing. It doesn't matter if the entire world judges you for who you are, because if you are happy with who you are, nobody, I repeat, nobody but YoU can change that.

You are capable of changing the world. And that's a promise.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2022 ⏰

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