My name is Sherlock

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THIS IS A TRANS SHERLOCK AU (ftm Sherlock) if you don't like this pls just don't read it. This is a very random idea but I'm just gonna roll with it for now. If anyone who is trans finds any of this offensive in any way I would like to assure you that I don't mean to as I'm non binary myself. I will also change that section of the story. Bye!

Sophia Holmes. That was his birth name. He absolutely loathed it.

Sherlock figured out he was transgender at a young age, 5 and 8 months old to be exact. He talked to Mycroft first. Mycroft thankfully understood and promised not to tell anyone until he was ready.

When Sherlock was 8 years old he came across the name "Sherlock" in one of his books. He liked this name and told Mycroft immediately. Since Sherlock came out Mycroft only referred to him as "brother" as he hadn't chosen a name yet so he was very pleased to here this news.

"THATS NOT MY NAME" Sherlock remembers screaming over and over again at teachers, family members and other students. He despised his now deadname at 11 years old and told off every living soul who got it wrong.

By the age of 16, Sherlock was out to everyone who knew him as a child, everyone he's met since just believes he's a cisgender man.

When he was 19, he officially changed his name to "William Sherlock Scott Holmes" and was on the waiting list for top and bottom surgery. He had been taking testosterone for 8 months at this time and he was finally starting to feel like himself.

By 21 he had fully transitioned. This was when he met John Watson. The most amazingly kind and good lucking person on the planet. However, Sherlock was pretty convinced he was as straight as a ruler.

When he turned 23, Sherlock noticed that John was more of a...flexible ruler. So he asked him out. He said yes, obviously. I mean who wouldn't?

They had been dating for 2 years and when he was 25 Sherlock decided to tell him about being trans. John already knew and he stated, "come on Sherlock I'm not that oblivious." This calmed the ebony haired man. The two shared a kiss and went out for chips.

Hey again! Sorry this was short but I have writers block and didn't really know what to write :,) also this is a slightly different writing style to what I'm used to so don't be alarmed if there were any mistakes.
See yall soon and remember to leave requests- Artemis

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