21. Irken mind games

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I slid two schmoothies onto the cafeteria table that I had occupied with Purple, taking my seat across from him as he spoke.

"I forgot you worked here. I'm suprised you can stand it" he admitted, taking a sip of his drink when it neatly glided into his hand.

I fiddled with my own drink, poking small dents into the cup before allowing them to pop back out quietly.

"I like my job. It's actually quite entertaining in certain aspects. Not to mention, I've gained a little muscle from it" I expressed by flexing my bicep a little, drawing attention to the slight change in size.

I released a stifled chuckle after seeing Purples dumbfounded expression, his eyes remaining locked on my muscles and taking a good while to blink. He seemed to be processing that I was actually getting stronger due to a small clean up job.

It was sort of ironic that it was so beneficial in terms of improving strength. But wrestling large leftover monsters really did have its perks, despite the first initial reaction.

I had lowered my arm back onto the table and Purple had seemed to snap out of whatever trance he was in. The two of us had been slowly getting to know eachother and, I had to admit, I was growing to like him.

Purple could be strangely endearing when he wasnt being a brat or vicious dictator. He started to briefly open up, though once he realised he would usually close back up faster than I could ask anything else.

The closest I could get to him being most honest with me was when he told me small, trivial facts about himself. He would wave such off without much thought, unaware of how much information he was actually giving me.

An example of this was when we had been talking about Red, curiously trying to figure out how much he hated me on a scale from one to ten. It was a silly topic, but Purple eventually ended up confessing that him and Red actually fell out some time ago. Though they still got along, it seemed that the two of them used to be much closer.

He changed the topic before I could ask for elaboration. So I was stuck wondering about the specifics of what happened.

"Anyway, what happened with you and that Pilot friend of yours?" The purple leader questioned, picking up his drink and sipping it again whilst changing the topic.

My head raised in alarm, not expecting Spunk to come up in this conversation at all.

I reflected on the events from the past few days, back on the moment me and Spunk woke up on the couch after his breakdown.

Three days ago

The irken had been much calmer than the previous day, not even upset or worried about waking up in my room afterwards. His expression was drowsy and craved more sleep as he rubbed his eyes in exhaustion and sat up against the arm of the couch.

I, myself was more concerned with not waking up.

Spunk had attempted to wake me by shaking my shoulders, rocking his weight against the couch to make me shift a few times. Eventually, his relentless alarm impression became too much.

"Five more minutes, mom!" I groaned, grabbing the nearest pillow and swinging it in his general direction.

"What's a mom!?" He questioned back with a yelp after I had hit him off the couch with the plush object.

I didnt reply, groggily sitting up and glancing towards the silver-eyed irken, who had started climbing back onto the couch and took a seat beside me.

"Are you okay?" I asked, regaining a serious composure that was used the past night when I had to comfort him.

Spunk had sank into the couch slowly, trailing his back against it as his eyes softened and he raised his shoulders in a shrug.

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