41. Meltdown

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I was sat thinking about the events that had just transpired previously, holding my knees close to my chest as I comprehended the information. After the adrenaline of escaping the robots had finally settled, the information began to slowly eat at me.

It only got worse after I told Purple and Red what Miyuki had said regarding the mind control, Zim and my part in the control brains mysterious plans.

It seemed like the more I explained it, the more it began to set in.

Not to mention we even confirmed it afterwards, using an X-ray scanner developed by the SRC to check certain parts of my body.

According to the scan and purples analysis. It was indeed true. My human organs had been replaced by irken ones. A squeedilyspooch is what they called it.

I would've laughed at such a name under any other circumstance. Instead I only told them I wasn't in the mood for jokes, only realising such wasn't any form of amusement when neither tallest reacted with an apology or a snicker.

And on top of this information, the control brains have new toys to send after me in a game of space cat and mouse.

2 hours earlier

After the giant metallic creatures had taken hold of my form and surrounded me, I was frozen.

Anxiety and panic began to weigh on me and I felt my breath get shorter. It was overwhelming being surrounded by such dangerous devices, and even more trauma inducing to know that they worked for the control brains and were planning to take even more from me.

The same monsters who took Miyukis life, the same monsters who hurt my best friend, the same monsters who framed invader Zim and the same monsters who are still hurting people I care about.

My frozen state began to melt away, a sudden heat fuelling my actions in a burst of rage towards these terrible mechanical dictators.

I pulled the pin of the grenade in my hand, struggling against the hand holding me in one place.

I was never going to be strong enough to get out of its grip on my own. But that's not what I was aiming for. I only needed enough room to pull the pin and drop the grenade, which sent out a blast of energy, paralyzing the machines.

Each machine fell to the floor, including the one holding onto me. I managed to pry the claws open and release myself just as the machine crashed backwards into the ground.

I was left stunned and dazed, breathing heavily from the shock and slowly recovering from the mental exhaustion of all of my emotions.

Purple had to pull me by the arm to get me inside the ship and back to reality again.

Back to present

I had found this secluded spot in the ship to take it all in.

But I wasn't anticipating how much I would be feeling at all. I knew it would be a lot but not THIS much.

I couldn't hold it in. I cried.

I cried hard.

Defying death, being an experiment, stranded in space and missing loved ones finally began to take its toll.

It didn't truly feel real until now, when the proof had practically been shoved down my throat and forced me to accept that I was no longer who or what I used to be.

Sure, joking about hating humanity was funny when I was back on Earth and still very much human. But now I couldn't even be sure if those jokes were still related to me. Or if I was even allowed to make those jokes anymore.

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