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Sammy was having a bad breakup and kells knew she was so he came over

Sammy it's unlock

Kells what the fuck

Sammy what

Kells no one on. This earth is gonna tell my Sammy that she needs to calm down. No they can tell all the other Sammy's but not mine

Sammy kells I'm fine

Kells no your not

Sammy kells just drop it

Kells no I won't because I can't stand you being hurt

Sammy turns around

Sammy kells

Kells yeah

Sammy your a fucking bad ass untamable boy you have all these other girls wanting you why do you care so much about me I help you write one song on tickets to my downfall

Kells loves Sammy to death but dosent want to tell her

Kells because can't look back just went gold

Kells actually here this is for you

It's just a gold record of can't look back with there names on it

Sammy wow

Kells I'll catch up with you later

Sammy wait kel-ls

He leaves

Kells sits in his car not knowing what to do

Kells be mine forever Thats all I want.

Sammy lays on the floor in tears

Sammy I told myself I wouldn't call but I can't fight it anymore

She falls asleep kells goes home

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