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Sammy wakes up

Sammy looks around not remembering anything from last night

Sammy fuck fuck fuck

Kells good morning to you too sunshine

Sammy sorry I didn't think I would wake up in the same bed as my best friend

Kells we really shouldn't drink around each other

Sammy nope But do we listen

Kells nope as he kisses her

Sammy we honestly should get together

Kells yeah we should

Kells be my girlfriend

Sammy I can't say no so yes

Kells you lil shit he's starts tickling her

Sammy im sorry I love you

Kells what I thought

They end up cuddling .

Kells gets a phone call

Kells hello

Kells yeah I'm on my way

Sammy where you going

Kells to get my daughter from school her mom took her this morning but she got sick to her stomach

Kells kisses Sammy

Kells love you

Sammy love you too

Sammy gets up to get ready and clean up

Cas loves Sammy so she has some stuff here

Sammy cleans her room up and gets her favorite blanket

She lays it out so cas sees it when she walks in

Kells comes back

Kells Damm baby you been working

Sammy yeah

Cas hi auntie

Sammy hey baby girl

Cas goes to lay in her bed

Kells poor thing dosent feel good at all

Sammy aww

Sammy finishes cleaning

Kells pulls her in his lap I'm proud of you I was gonna help you with cleaning

Sammy it wasn't that bad  once I got into it

Cas starts crying

Kells hop up let me get her

Sammy okay

She gets off his lap and sweeps the balcony

He gets back  in

Covered in throw up

Sammy you take a shower

Kells on it

He showers

Sammy peeks into  cas room to check on her

Cas sound asleep

She finishes up cleaning the windows

Kells gets out of the shower

Sammy baby your phones been ringing off the hook

Kells okay I'll get it

Kells hello

He steps outside

Kells meg she's fine it's just the stomach bug

Kells she's fine  I'll bring her to you tomorrow bye

Sammy who was that

Kells my ex wife the one I had cas with

Kells she's mad because I'm dating you but she's dating someone so I don't know why it's such a big deal

Sammy she'll get over it

They fall asleep on the couch

4:00 am

Kells wakes up

Kells picks up Sammy

Sammy wraps her arms around him

Kells shh baby your okay

He puts her down in the bed first

He takes his shirt off and climbs  in bed

He pulls Sammy closer

Kells I love you

Sammy  I love you too

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