Day one

21 1 0

Sammy wakes up still in the hospital

She feeds karma while the boys go to get food For all of them

All of there camera rolls are just pictures of karma and Sammy

Rook is obsessed with karma

Sammy falls asleep with karma before the boys get  back

Kells and them walk in laughing

Kells oh my god why are they so Damm cute

Rook tell me about it

Kells I'm talking about my girlfriend rook

Rook but my goddaughter is perfect

Kells tell me about it

Sammy wakes up

Sammy I want food

Kells I'm sure you do

Kells here

Sammy god I love you

She puts karma in her lap while she eats

Kells I want my daughter

Sammy then come get her

Kells yay

Kells picks her up and lays with her

Kells rook is literally gonna  move in with us

Rook probably

Kells oh my god

They all Laugh

Kells are you writing a song baby

Sammy maybe

Kells babe you just had a child

Sammy but it's about my child

Rook now that's fair

Kells fair point

Sammy exactly

Kells here she wants you

Sammy angel

Kells oh shit

Sammy what

Kells Megan is dropping off cas today

Sammy fuck

Trav you go to y'all's house me and rook will stay here

Kells goes to meet Meg

Meg hey

Kells hey

Meg you good

Kells yeah

Cas dad

Kells hey sunshine

Meg have fun goodbye

Kells bye

Cas wheres Auntie

Kells about that  she had her own child and we're going to the hospital

Cas yayy your another dad

Kells yes baby  and you have a sister

Cas yay

They go

Sammy asleep with karma when they get there

Trav how it go

Kells okay I didn't tell her yet

Trav it's gonna be okay

Kells I know

Sammy wakes up

Sammy hey cas

Cas hey auntie

Sammy rook I need my daughter 

Rook she's right beside you

Sammy oh yeah

Kells they give her something

Rook she was in pain from the birth they gave her some medicine it knock her out

Kells okay

Cas meets karma

Kells takes pictures of them

They eat

The doctors tell them there free to go

They all go home

Travis and rook go to there place

Kells helps get karma in and his girlfriend

Cas goes to her room to play with her stuff animals

Karma starts crying

Sammy I thought you were asleep

Kells I got her baby

Sammy finished up the dishes and put cas to bed

She walk in to kells asleep with karma in there bed

She pick up karma and layed her down in the crib

She got the baby monitor off the charger and went in the living room

She watched fear street

2 am rolled around and she just finished the glass of wine she was having

Sammy is like 22 in this book
So she is allowed to drink
Kells is also 22 he can also drink

She check the baby monitor one last time before she went to bed

Karma and cas were both sound asleep

She crawled under kells arms and fell asleep her self

Kells let her sleep and got up with karma

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