Month one

28 1 0

Sammy wakes up with morning sickness

Sammy son of a bitch

They finish planning there gender reveal party and it's today

There gonna have kells play the drums and then blue or pink powder will spill out

Rook and Dom are the only ones who know what there having and they make the drums to where it will work

Sammy finishes up the food

They bought a house so cas and there new baby can have there own room

There all having  great time Sammy opens the gifts she got and  kells got a new sticker for his guitar that says  dad of two

Rook okay are you ready to know because I can't hold it in anymore

Sammy sure

Kells gets the drum sticks

Kells yes these are travis drum stick

The crowd laughs 
The crowd being there friends and a feww family members

Kells baby give me something to play

Sammy uhh can't look back

Kells fun

Rook and Trav both recording

Kells ready

Trav rolling

Rook rolling

He starts and pink powder flys everywhere

Kells runs over and picks up Sammy

Rook you know how hard that was to keep a secret .

Kells pretty hard

Rook yes it was

They clean up and eat

Sammy ends up falling asleep after half of the party left
It's only
Slim  left from the party

Kells must be exhausting

Trav leave her be mate she's pregnant

Kells I know  ahh im having another girl

Dom have y'all thought on names

Kells we have a few for a girl

Dom well

Kells lavender , Alex , and snow

Kells yes we thought about naming our child whiskey

Dom be a cool ass nickname

Kells not wrong

The boys leave and Sammy wakes up to shower and then go to bed

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