Month 6

24 1 0

Today they finish the nursery

Sammy gets her pregnant photos done

They head back home

Sammy I'm so done being pregnant

Kells really

Sammy yes

Kells well Trav is getting food and bringing it to the house

Sammy yay

They eat

Trav I honestly can't wait for my goddaughter

Sammy I know I want her out she's taking my sleep away

Kells wraps his arm around her knowing  that this has been the worst month of her pregnancy

Sammy goes to the room and crashes

Kells god she's fucking exhausted

Trav I know this is the worst month

Kells three more months

Trav yep

Rook dose she ever sleep at night

Kells no she's so tired that she cried on me last night

Rook poor thing

Trav it's gonna be worth it

Kells I know it will I just hate to see her like this

Trav we all do

They all go outside to smoke

Kells goes back inside and the boys leave

He walks in to there room to Sammy knock out cold

Kells smiles and walks over to cover her up and kiss her head

Kells your amazing baby girl I love you more then anything

He goes to the living room to sleep and gives her the bed

A couple hour later Sammy wakes up

It's late as hell

Sammy kells ?

Sammy  baby

She walks in the living room

Kells asleep on the couch

She cuddles him on the couch

Kells wakes up sweating

Kells kisses Sammy

They get up and walk to the bedroom

They fall asleep

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