~Chapter 6➫WE NEED TO PASS A TEST!?~

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'Uh... Rei... what's up with big sis?' Emi whispered.

'How the heck am I supposed to know!?' Rei exclaimed.

'I cannot believe this! She's making them do it even though they just started!? What the hell is that old lady thinking!?' Ayane groaned as she continued pacing.

'Ayane...' Aicha called but the red-eyed girl didn't listen.

'Big sis...' Aichi and Iachi called, but no response.

Getting frustrated, Rei walked up to the bluenette and yelled. 'BLUEBERRY!'

'Gah!' Ayane jumped and glared at Rei. 'What the hell Cheesecake!?'

'Don't call me that!' Rei said, ticked off. 'And mind explaining what the f-' Ayane glared at him. '-rick is going on!?'

'Granny is making these guys do it,' Ayane explained in short.

'Oh.' Rei blinked before it dawned on him. 'Ohhhhhh. Well, then why worry? Let them do it. They defeated Void, so this should be cake walk.'

'Are you mad!?' Ayane yelled.

'Um...' Aichi and Co. blinked, sweatdropping as Aicha grinned smugly. 'These two fight like an old married couple.'

'We are not a couple! Much less an old married one!' Ayane and Rei yelled in sync.

'Yet,' Aicha added.

Ayane sighed. 'Aicha...'

'Sorry,' the redhead stuck her tongue out.

She smiled. 'Yeah yeah. Well, you guys better go pack your bags. We're going back to HQ.'

Aicha and Co. blinked. 'Why?'

'Long story.'

Ayane continued. 'I will take you guys back and then come back here. This place needs to be guarded as of right now.'

Aichi and Co. obliged and went out after which Rei scoffed. 'Why are we doing this again?'

'Rei, this place needs protection. If you don't wanna stay, be my guest and go. I'm staying here either way till we go to our next destination.'

'I never said I wouldn't stay!' Rei yelled. Ayane rolled her eyes.


Rei went to retort but saw how she was holding her right hand. So abandoning his thoughts, he swiftly brought her hand up to his face and scanned the blunette's palm and wrist. Ayane froze as Rei raised a brow at her.

'How did you get these?' he asked.

Ayane briskly looked away and brought back her bruised hand. 'It's nothing.' With that, she walked away leaving a frustrated Rei.

Rei looked at the sky and muttered. 'God, why did you make Aya so... ugh!'

Rei clenched his fist and walked to the forest, where Ayane had gone.


Ayane shot another arrow, which hit its target straight at the bullseye. The sun had started to set meaning it was well past noon when she had initially arrived. 

'I knew I'd find you here.'

Ayane turned her guard up but relaxed when she saw a familiar person.

'Do you have a death wish, Yamada?' Ayane raised a brow.

'Maybe I do,' Rei shrugged before glaring at Ayane with a glare causing the bluenette to flinch. 'But that's beside the point.'

'What point?' Ayane tilted her head. Rei swiftly took hold of her right hand and raised it.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2021 ⏰

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