11. Compromised

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The next morning, you woke up feeling fine and decided to make coffee for Nat before she's awake.

Nat: Thanks, are you feeling better already?

You: Yes, I am good to go.

You kiss her and show that you are very energetic.

*knock knock*

Steve: Meeting in 10.

You: Did you know you were going to have a meeting?

Nat: No. We better head down quick.

Everyone arrived at the meeting room.

Steve: Fury informs us that the SHIELD compound has been compromised. Hydra completely took it over and is using the technology to hold innocent people hostage. We need everyone there immediately.

You: Even me?

Steve: Yes.

Nat: What's the plan?

Steve: There is no plan, we just storm the place and take it back.

You: Ohh I like this.

Wanda and Nat: Y/N!

You: Sorry...

Steve: Suit up, we are leaving in 5 mins.

Everyone went to get ready and meet up at the quinjet.

Clint: So we are just going to announce that we are barging into the place by showing up in this loud jet?

Tony: It's going to be fun.

Clint: It's not going to be fun. It's a terrible idea.

Steve: Enough, we have arrived. Stay sharp.

Everyone rushes out the jet and takes down their enemies in front of them.

You just use your power to create a huge wave to push them off the roof to clear the path for them.

Steve: Thanks.

Everyone rushes into the building but still faces heavy forces against us.

The Avengers spread out to conquer more space and push forward.

Steve: Find Rumlow first.

Tony: He should be at the top of the controlling tower.

Everyone runs up the tower and finds Rumlow and his men waiting for us.

Rumlow: Making a grand entrance?

Tony: To your funeral that is.

Rumlow: Hahaha, that's not going to happen.

You: Not if we kill you first.


Hell let loose, everyone was fighting, shots were flying everywhere.

Steve: We need to stop the plane first!

Nat: Their firing power is too strong! I can't get to the computer!

You: I can hold them back first, give me some time!

You start to create a huge wave to push them out of the room and create a waterfall and slowly freeze it. Giving Nat time to stop the plane.

You: You might want to hurry up, the wall is getting weaker!

Rumlow and his men are still continuing shooting at the ice wall.

Nat: I know, I am almost done.

You are trying to hold onto your power but you know the wall is getting weaker and weaker.

You see a hole in the wall and look down at your chest. Your shirt is dying red.

You: This isn't going to end well.


You faint and the ice wall disappears.

Nat: Y/N!

Steve: We need to clear this place fast!

Everyone concentrates their power at the door while Nat tries to bring you to a safe place.

Nat: It's not looking too good.

She applies pressure on your wound. 

Steve: There should be a medical bay below if it is not already destroyed. You can ask Bruce to head there too. We should be done here soon.

Nat brings you to the medical bay and thankfully it was not destroyed, Bruce was already there waiting. He immediately starts his surgery on you and Nat sees all the bullet shots you have had.

Wanda: How is she?

Nat: I don't know, it looked bad. Did you know she had been shot before?

Wanda: No, she said she never got shot before when I was hurt the last time. 

Nat: I saw her bullet wounds Wanda, it was...

Wanda: I don't know anything about it. All we can do is wait and ask her.

Soon, Steve and the rest come along.

Steve: We just passed them off to Fury, how is she doing?

Nat: I don't know, Bruce hasn't said anything.

Steve: Well, he's out now.

Bruce: I finished sewing her up but it's better to send her to a hospital just in case.

Steve: We can send her there now

They just found out your lie... What are they going to do about it?

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