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There are some phobias I will never understand.

Like chirophobia, optophobia, arachibutyrophobia... you get the idea.

(A/n: if any of you suffer from these phobias I mean no harm/offence by using them as examples).

I don't have many phobias at all. I suppose clowns are pretty creepy. And then there's needles. Nothing too extreme though.

But there is one thing that I absolutely cannot deal with, and that's spiders.

What even is their purpose? Birds eat snails and seeds and whatever, spiders just cast webs and catch flies. They don't do anything apart from scare the life out of me.

They have way too many legs too. Like is 4 not enough for you? And the whole 8 eyes thing too, no thank you.

Fortunately for me, they don't intimidate Marcus. At all. Maybe it's a skill, or he just doesn't care enough to be afraid of them. He usually deals with them, I'll see them and leave them for him to get them out.

It's bad enough finding a spider, but when you lose it is when it all goes downhill.

They have this habit of crawling into places where you can either never find them or you can see them but can't reach them.

It's so frustrating.

No matter how hard I think, there are no positives to spiders. I suppose they're apart of nature but really, there are many other things that are so much more pretty in nature than spiders.

There have been a few occasions where I've found one and been scared, and Marcus enjoys taunting me about my fear of them far too much.

"Look at how big it is compared to you! What's it gonna do, tickle your foot?" I remember him saying while laughing.

And that's what many people say. 'Oh, you're so much bigger, it won't hurt you' or 'I bet it's much more scared of you than you are of it'. That drives me up the wall - I freaking know that but that's what a phobia is - an irrational fear of something. Its irrational because your phobia can't hurt you, but you think it can so you're scared of it.

Although, there are some poisonous spiders, which kind of backs me up. I'm just so thankful I don't live in Australia, not only are the damn spiders out of control there's a whole lot of other weird creatures in there that I don't even want to Google out of fear.

It's worse in winter though for sure. It gets dark early so you have the light on which attracts the bugs. And all the spiders come inside to get warm which I really don't appreciate. Like if you're not contributing to the household you ain't welcome mate.

Simple as that.

But Marcus, being the annoyingly kind hearted person he is, won't let me kill them. I mean, come on. The amount of babies that come out of one egg is enough reason for us to be looking for other planets to migrate to, seriously.

But, because I'm whipped for him, I don't kill them anymore. I have turned from my spider massacring days to reluctantly letting him capture them and release them so they can go and harass another innocent household.

Today was no different. Well, to start with anyway.

I was having a shower before we put a movie on, and Marcus must have been preparing snacks or something.

I got out, grabbing a towel to begin drying off before getting changed into comfy bed clothes.

I almost missed the gigantic spider chilling on the wall as I bent down to pick up my fluffy shorts, and when I straightened up again, I was practically face to face with the bitch.

Marcus Rashford imagines ;)Where stories live. Discover now