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Loud and heartbroken filled cries echoed against the clean walls of the lab hallway. "Papa nooo!!!! Sissy!!" An 11-year-old short (h/c) haired male screamed kicking his his feet as he was dragged away from the only family he had by men in white plastic suits. He was terrified and could see in his twin sister's eyes she was terrified too.
He was then taken out of sight around a corner and wailed flailing his limbs in attempt to get out of their steel grip, his (s/c) bare feet unable to find purchase on the floors slick white tiles.

He soon just gave up going limp letting them drag him as he cried. Soon he was pricked with a needle and then slipped into unconsciousness as the sedative kicked in tears streaks on his cheeks.

The female scientist whos care he had been put under now since he was of no use, she felt awful for the young boy. Especially when being told he was of no use and could be killed or experimented on. But to her, to be suddenly taken from his only family he had and be told he was completely useless, she came to a decision and contacted an old friend who happened to live in the town right by the lab.

A woman who was at the stove making dinner for her family was interrupted by the sound of the phone. She turned down the heat and went to answer it. "Hello?....Grace! Oh its been forever! How are you?" She answered when hearing the familiar voice of her highschool friend.

This was Mrs. Harrington. She was a wife with one son named Steve.
"There's a young boy, who needs to be adopted? Well whys that?" As the female scientist now known as Grace explained to her the situation but not in complete detail and truth, she was shocked. "Oh my..the poor boy..he must be terrified..I..I guess I could take him in, my husband and son have been wishing for another member for the family.."

So the two met up at a cafe and she met (Y/N) who was awake, and very scared, "Hi there sweetie..it's lovely to meet you.." she spoke softly giving a kind smile. (Y/N) looked up hesitantly at the woman, he saw her smile and started to relax a bit seeing it was so kind and genuine.

Soon enough he was in the front passenger seat of the womans car and on the way to what he was told would be his new home. He was told that he had an older brother and a father, "Papa?.." (Y/N) asked softly looking over at her, his big (e/c) hues shining at the thought of an actual father. Mrs. Harrington smiled softly and nodded in response, "Yep, you can call him that if you'd like, he wouldn't mind it dear, you can call me Mama or ma, or mom if you want to" The shorter male smiled genuinely for the first time in he didn't know how long as he nodded happily.

Outside the house he had a small backpack with his few small plushes, a picture of him and his sister, and his favorite blanket that Grace was able to get for him. He held onto Mrs. Harringtons hand as she walked inside the house with him. She called out for her husband and Steve to meet in the living room.
Once in there the (h/c) haired boy looked around it in curiosity. He got startled by a teen boy walking in along with an older male who looked like him, (Y/N) hid behind her legs scared as he clung to her a bit.

Steve was immediately confused and surprised, "Uhm, mom..who's this?" He asked. "This is (Y/N), your new brother," she smiled softly petting the small boys hair gently.
"Really?! Thats awsome!" He smiled and kneeled down to be a bit shorter than the boy not to scare him, "Heya, I'm Steve, its nice to meet you," he held a hand out to the male.

(Y/N) very slowly and hesitantly walked over and kneeled down and hugged tightly to Steve surprising him, "Um-" he then smiled a bit and hugged back, the small (h/c) haired male started to softly cry, he now had a real, loving family, but he wouldn't see his sister again. His new mother mouthed 'he had a horrible unloving home life' and the two men nodded in understanding as Steve got up holding him as he headed upstairs, "Wanna go to pick a room? Theres one a bit away from mine if you'd like that one," to which the younger smiled weakly and nodded shyly in response.

Soon a few days later (Y/N) was settled in, and they signed him up for school with Steve since the summer was ending and school was just around the corner. Though he of course would be in the middle school curriculum.

On his first day of school (Y/N) was terrified to say the least. So he became an easy target for Troy the school bully.

At recess they had cornered him and started picking on him for his size and scared demeanor.
"HEY! L-Leave him alone Troy!" A boy with brown hair ran over after having watched for a minute or two and felt like he had to do something. His other friends noticed and ran over to help him defend the smaller boy, Troy rolled his eyes and shoved past them.

(Y/N) had curled up in a ball terrified shaking. The brunette carefully kneeled down and held out a hand to the boy, "Hey, are you alright?" (Y/N) flinched from the sudden voice and hesitantly looked up. His (e/c) hues locking with warm chocolate brown ones. He trembled slightly and sniffled and slowly shook his head, "Well, would you like to get up, maybe talk about it?" He asked the smaller and smiled softly. The boys friends didn't want to surround the scared boy so they stood back to give him some space. The (h/c)-ette nodded shyly and shakily took the boys hand and slowly got up.
"I'm Will, Will Byers, over there is Lucas, Mike, and Dustin," the brunette introduced himself and his friends smiling, "(Y-(Y/N)..Harrington.." he spoke in a small soft voice and gave a small smile at the thought of these guys being so nice to him.

Who knew, that, because of Troys bullying, the group would gain a new party member.
Though, (Y/N) was closest to Will out of them all since, he was his saviour from the bullies, and his terrible memories.


Little did they all know, that the next summer, would change their lives forever.

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