Ch. 1 The Vanishing of Will Byers

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Date: November 6th 1983 Hawkins, Indiana
Place: Hawkins National Laboratory
U.S Department of Energy

We are slowly brought towards a door. When suddenly it opens an alarm blaring as lights flashed all over the hall. 'Run! Run! Gotta get away!' Is all the male scientist who had ran out of said door could think as he ran down a hallway of flashing lights. He was terrified and looking over his shoulder the entire way. He took a sharp turn as he ran towards his destination, the elevator, he ran up frantically pressing the summon button repeatedly as the box slowly descended down to the door where the male stood.
As it dinged the doors opened and he rushed into the large box and started to again frantically press the button inside. He panted as he looked down the hall paranoid yet terrified at the same time as he watched the lights flash down the hall.
He then froze, a quiet, yet heavy breathing sounded above him. He then, hesitantly slowly looked up. This was a bad choice. His last living moments being grabbed and pulled up toward the creature on the ceiling his screams echoing through the empty halls as the elevator doors shut.


We cut to a sprinkler on a lawn and pan out to see a house, Mike Wheelers house to be exact, down in the basement the 5 friends were playing Dungeons and Dragons together as they always did, trying to finish their campaign.
"Something is coming..something hungry, for blood.. A shadow grows on the wall behind you, swallowing you in darkness... It is almost here," Mike narrated in a dark tone.
"What is it?" Will and (Y/N) asked at the same time in curiosity and paranoia. The two looked at each other and smiled before paying attention to Mike again. Lucas seemed to be a bit bored but still a bit nervous as he sat forward, while Dustin was edge of his seat slightly anxious as to what it was.

Dustin then voiced his fear, "What if its the Demogorgan?..Oh jesus we're so screwed if its the Demogorgan!.."
"Its not the Demogorgan!" Lucas said trying to ease his friends fear a bit, and got a look with a raised eyebrow from (Y/N).

"An army of troglodytes charge into the chamber!" Mike suddenly shouts a bit as he puts a card down.

"Troglodytes?" Dustin questions as Lucas chuckles a bit, "Told yah!"
Dustin snorted as they all laughed together about it.
Then they all quieted looking at each other, till Mike broke the silence speaking in a slight whisper, "Wait a minute..did you hear that?..That sound..boom..boom.." this caught all of their attention as they looked at him (Y/N) was actually on the edge of his seat nervous as he looked at Will. Will looked back smiling nervously as they were now really unsure if it was just the Troglodytes there.

"BOOM!" Mike shouted banging the table making them all jump, "That sound didn't come from the troglodytes.. No that, that came from something else.." (Y/N) got very nervous, the small boy seemed deep into the game just like his friend Will who was sat with anticipation as to what it was.

They all looked at one another a bit scared now, "The Demogorgan!" Mike slamed the small metal monster onto the board making them all groan in slight fear with a hint of annoyance.
"Shit we're dead!" (Y/N) said worried.

"We're in deep shit now!" Dustin exclaimed feeling a bit defeated. "Will your action!" Mike called as they looked at him. Will stuttered trying to think, "I don't know!"
"Fireball him!" Lucas said wide eyed trying to sway Will to attack, "I'd have to roll a 13 or higher to attack!" He countered back while Dustin thought opposite, "It's too risky cast a protection spell!" "Yeah! That would be a good option!" (Y/N) chimed in thinking having a shield would help better than the risk of missing the shot.
Lucas continued on his rant of fireballing while Dustin told him to cast protection, (Y/N) felt awful for Will in this situation since the tension was growing rapidly as Mike narrated the approaching monster.

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