Grand Magic Games part 4

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First of all I want to say thank you to all of you guys so thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you. I'm very happy!!! I have 12.5k views!!!!! Thanks to everyone who has voted, commented, and followed me. It makes me so happy to read all the comments you guys post. You guys are the best!!! Just to let you guys know I'll be switching povs a . For example I could be doing Natsu Pov about one part of the grand magic games and then do Your Pov about the same thing. I just want to let you guys know so you won't get confused. Please let me know if you don't understand. Now onto the story.

°Gajeel Pov°

I couldn't go to sleep last night. I kept tossing and turning all night thinking about (y/n). At one in the morning I stood up and went to the infirmary. Porylusica was checking on (y/n) when I entered.

"How is she? Do you know what happened to her?"

"She's doing fine. I did some studies on her and found out what caused her to faint. It seems something or someone has been draining magic from her. She should be fine with a little rest"

"Ok can I stay with her. Just to make sure nothing happens."

"Sure I could take a rest I've been watching over her since you guys left her."

I watched Porylusica leave the room. I walked over to (y/n)'s bed and sat next to it on a chair.

"You had me worried you know. I thought something really bad happened to you."

I stayed awake a few more minutes before I fell asleep holding onto her hand.

«Gajeels Dream»

I was sitting outside my house watching two children play with a ball. One was a boy and the other a girl. Both of them had black hair but different color eyes. The boy who looked to be the oldest had red eyes while the girl had violet colored eyes. They had stopped playing and were running in my direction.

"Daddy look what we found. Do you think mommy will like it?" said the girl

I looked behind me to see if they were talking to some one else but saw no one there. The little girl showed me her hand and inside them was a snail.

"Jason found it when he went to go chase the ball. Can we keep it?"

I don't know why but I felt like these kids were really my kids. I felt a strong connection with them. If these were really my kids then I wonder who's their mom.

"Sure we can. Why don't we go show it to your mom."

I stood up and took the little girl in my arms while I holded the boys hand. We walked to our house and went to the kitchen. (Y/n) and Panther Lily were in the kitchen getting dinner ready.

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