Fairy Tail

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Hey guys! Im so sorry for not updating please don't kill me. I want to dedicate this chapter to two very special people who are like sisters to me, soosunny and sleeplesskiller. I love you guys! Enjoy!!!! Oh and this takes place after the 7 year gap. I might follow the manga I might not.

°Your Pov°

"(y/n), I know this is soon but would you like to join my guild" said Master Makarov.

"What's a guild?"

"A guild is an organization where wizards gather to get money by helping people who can't use money."


Should I join or not? Well, I don't have a place to stay at and they could help me look for my brother. They seem like nice people but, then again they could be faking it. What if they already know my powers! They could try to use them to there advantage like they did but I feel like I can trust them.

I hadn't realized I said "they" out loud until Gajeel spoke and asked me if I was alright.

"Huh, oh yea I just zoned out I guess."

"So, will you join the guild" asked Gajeel.


It wouldn't hurt to trust them. They don't seem to be hiding anything and I could keep my guard up not like it would help much. I haven't used my magic in years.

*Gajeel's Pov*

(Y/n) hasn't said anything. What could she be thinking about. She seems to be having a battle with herself and what did she mean by "they." Could she be thinking about those people I rescued her from. I wonder what they did to her. She said they had her kidnapped. Does she even have any family? Ugh.... too many questions in my head. Guess I'll have to ask her later.

I was still thinking when I heard (y/n) talk.

" Yes, I would like to join your guild."

"Great, Mira please give her a guild mark."

"Yes master. Where would you like it and what color?"

"I'd like it on my right shoulder and (f/c) please. Will it hurt?"

"No, you won't feel a thing."

Mira put an object over my shoulder and stamped it. When she removed it I had a (f/c) Fairy with what seemed like a tail. Then I remembered the guild's name and I started to wonder why they named it like that.

"Master why is the guild's name Fairy Tail?"

"That is a very good question. You see no one knows if fairies have tails or even if they exist. Like them, this place is an eternal mystery. A never ending adventure."

"Wow it's very deep and inspiring."

"Yes, it is well let's introduce you to your guild members."


*Your Pov*

They lead me out of the infirmary and onto a small stage. The guild was very small with very few guild members. I liked the guild. It was nice and cozy. They all seemed to treat each other like family.

"Would you like to introduce yourself  or should I."

"Umm, I'll say my name and magic but could you not mention  my past."

"Very well. Listen up brats we have a new member. Treat her well and show her what this guild is all about" yelled Makorov.

He stepped back pushing me a forward to introduce myself. I looked at all the people and I started to feel shy. They were all waiting for me to say my name. I felt my hands start sweating and my mouth felt dry. This is the first time I've been in front of a big crowd, well at least one that didn't want me just for my powers.

"Umm, hi..i..i everyone I..i..i..I'm  (y/n) and I use sh..sh.sh..shadow god slayer m..m..magic."

After I introduced myself everyone stayed quiet with their mouths open. Did I do something!!!!

"Did I say something wrong?"

After I said that everyone started to cheer. Now I'm just confused. I got off the stage and went straight towards Gajeel, Mira, and Wendy since they were the only people I know so far. When I got there a big crowd started to surround me. Then I heard someone yell my name. I turned my head in the direction it came from and saw a guy with salmon hair.

"Hey (y/n) fight me!"

I got scared and hid behind Gajeel.

"Flame brain see what you did. You scared her, she isn't used to people" said Gajeel.

"Sorry (y/n) I didn't mean to scare you. I'm Natsu also known as The Salamander. These are Lucy, Erza, Levy,Wendy,Carla, Mira, Evergreen and Lissana."

He said there names while pointing at each of the girls. Next he pointed at some of the guys who where next to him.

"These people are Gray, Romeo, Elfman, Bickslow, Freed, Laxus, Gajeel, and Guildarts." He said.

"Hi everyone its nice to meet you."

¥ Lucy's Pov ¥

"So (y/n) where did you come from before you came to Fairy Tail?"

"Well I'm not sure..."

"How can't you be sure you have to know right you were raised there after all" said Natsu.

After we asked (y/n) her face turned sad. You could see in her eyes that her life was full of pain. Her eyes begin to water and not soon after tears came out. Everyone was starting to freak out wondering what made her cry. Some of the guys even started to beat up Natsu for talking. After a few moments she opened her mouth to speak, and what came out was truly heart breaking.

"I don't know because I was held captive for the last 13 years. When I was five I saw my family being slaughtered in front of me. My brother and I were the only ones able to escape. We ran away trying to escape from the people who killed our family. We thought we were safe but we were so wrong. They had us trapped in a circle. We tried defending ourselves but there were to many of them. My brother tried his best to protect us but he didn't have any magic. We were separated and I never saw him again. I was then taken to this building where they tortured me everyday. They would beat me up until i was hardly breathing but they wouldn't let me die they said I was unique and that I would be useful to resurrect there god but I had to be older. They said I was the only one able to do this because I was born with magic. I would have still been with my family if it weren't for my magic! I'm all alone now!"

I saw (y/n) cry her heart out while she told us her story. I couldn't imagine all the pain she went through. I bent down to  hugged her.

° Your Pov °

I saw the girl named Lucy bend down and  hug me. I was surprised by the action. I haven't been hugged in so long. I hadn't realized how long I missed it. I then heard her say something to me.

"Your not alone anymore, you have Fairy Tail and you have me. We are now your family."

She then released me from the hug. We then heard Natsu speak

"Hey you said you had a brother. Do you remember his name?"

"Yes his name is..."


And cut. So here ends the chapter. Hope you enjoyed it! I will try to update soon.

Bye bye minna-san

Iron Heart (Gajeel x Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt