Grand Magic Games part 5

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There I was, all alone with a dangerously curious demon in front of me not to mention that she looked slightly angery. It eyes were locked to mine, trying to see into my soul. I was scared, no I was frighten of what it would do. I was prepared to put on a fight in order to live. The demon got closer to me, opening its mouth to question me. I had to do this alone since my partner left me a while ago too chicken to help me with this. I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard the voice of the great demon, Erza Scarlet.

"Do you mind explaining what I saw right now."

"Ummm.... would you believe me if I told you that a little trash got in my eye and Gajeel was trying to take it out." I said praying that Erza would buy it but them again this is Erza were talking about it won't be easy to fool her. Where's strawberry cake when you need it. It would make everything easier.

"Do you think I'm that stupid. I come out of the bathroom to find FOOD on the floor and Gajeel on top of you with him lips slightly on top of yours. All I wanted was to come out and eat a nice slice of strawberry cake but no I have to deal with a 18 year old who's about to exchange saliva with a 19 year old. Who knows what else would have happened if I hadn't come out!"
exclaimed Erza with a little blush creeping onto her face from thinking of what would have happened if she hadn't interfered.

I on the other hand was wondering why she couldn't have stayed in the shower a little bit longer. I let out a sigh letting her go on and on about how I was too "young" to do these sorts of things. She was acting like if she were my mother. Hmmm I wonder how my mom would have acted if she saw me. Would she have squealed and wanted me to tell her all the details or act like Erza

"Hey are you paying attention."

" Uh... yea."

"(Y/n) I know your old enough to do these sorts of things but I don't want you to get hurt. I see you like a little sister and it would kill me to see you cry. Just wait a little longer before you do these sort of stuff Ok."

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