graduation with a splash of trauma

142 4 0

"hey, hey, hey." I heard a voice say as i faded out of my light sleep.

"huh?" I mumbled as i refused to turn around.

"RANBOO! Get UP, you have that graduation thing or whatever." My best friend, or one of them, Tubbo yelled.

"ok ok, i'm getting up, what are you guys gonna do while i'm goat school?" i asked, rubbing my eyes and yawning.

"i dunno, probably explore a bit, Dream said he'd show us around." Tommy said, He was seated at the kitchen table watching Tiktoks.

"ok." i said, stretching my legs, last night we all fell asleep watching white chicks on the couch, of course suggested by Tubbo.

"When are we meeting him?" Tubbo asked tommy, going back to counter and continuing to eat his cereal of choice.

"He said he'd pick us up, something about us being to young to walk around america alone." Tommy said, Putting his phone down and continuing the cereal in front of him.

"Ranboo what time are you leaving?" Tubbo asked, I was still half asleep.

"it starts at 12... what time is it." I said, Tommy and Tubbo just stared at each other.

"what. what happened." i said.

"Ranboo, Dude...It's 11:45." Tubbo said, Patting my back.

"HUH! what do you mean it's 11:45." i said, quickly scrambling off the couch and to the nearest clock, the microwave clock.

"...oh crap it's 11:45." I said, taking an apple from the bowl and running into my room to put on the uniform.

"11:46 NOW BIG MAN!" Tubbo said, Yelling from the other room.

"tubbo." I heard Tommy say.

"I've gotta go, i'll see you guys soon." I said, sliding into my sneakers, i currently had about 10 minutes to ride to school.

"K, we'll be...somewhere." Tubbo said as i walked to her door and grabbed my keys, Bike lock, and my school id so i could return it.

we get the bitches+ Ranboob






what do you want.

oh shit yeah i'm almost there.


when is my nmae going to be changed


when your name stops being Ranboo




See even Hunter agrees, when does hunter EVER agree



ok fair

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