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(I'm back bitches 🚓 that's right. Watch out bruh. I'm not even that into MHA any more but ig I should continue this)
{3rd person pov}

     Everything was dark, the scarred man couldn't see a thing. There was only the sound of rain and... His own breath? The tall man was breathing heavily, and soon his vision began to focus in on the scene.
     It was a dark alley way. Dabi was holding a body in his arms, lifeless, scarred, bloody... The man could feel tears running down his face, his vision getting more and more blurry. Through the blurr, Tomura's eyes opened suddenly and the shorter man began repeating the same line, "I hate you.", over and over again. Getting louder and louder...
     Moments after, he opened his eyes and sat up quickly in his bed. Dabi gasped and breathed heavily as he slowly realized the vision had just been a nightmare.
     The spikey haired boy sniffled and wiped the tears from his eyes, trying to calm himself down. Though the scene from the nightmare kept appearing in his mind, causing more tears to swell up in his eyes again.
     " I'm sorry Shiggy... It.. It's all my fault. "
      Dabi sniffled and began to sob heavily. It had been about 3 am, so the other villains should have been sleeping and not able to hear the man sob.
      The tall man slowly laid back down and ended up crying himself to sleep while blaming himself over and over about what happened to Shigaraki just the night before. The next morning Touya walked out to the main area and sat himself at the bar, asking Kurogiri for a drink.
     As Dabi chugged his glass of alcohol, the bartender sighed and wiped a dirty glass clean
     "I can't believe he's gone. I was supposed to protect him... "
    The tender spoke quietly, causing Touya to twitch a bit.

    "Yeah. That idiot... "
     Dabi bit his lip, trying to hide any and all emotions he was feeling. Though Kuro already knew Dabi was feeling a lot of pain, it was obvious how much he actually loved Shigaraki. After a long moment of silence, Touya got up suddenly and started walking out the back door after sliding on a disguise, as to not get recognized in public.
     He kept his head down silently as he walked down the sidewalk, past happy faces and families. The sight of families being happy almost disgusted him, made him jealous that he had a very different childhood. After a few minutes of walking, Dabi stopped at the entrance to a familiar alley way. The one Shigaraki died in of course.
     There was still dried up blood on the ground from where the boy had passed, it gave the tall man a sick feeling in his stomach. How was he supposed to move on? He lost one of the only things in his life that gave him motivation to keep moving on with his life. But, he couldn't just give up. He won't.
      Touya sniffled a bit and closed his eyes, thinking about all the good memories he had with the leader. Those times they would play video games, match movies, fight heros together, and more. It was all just a memory now, and all Dabi could do was remember. Remember the good times with Tomura, and keep going, like Shigaraki would want.

(Yeah it's short cuz I'm lazy. L)
(569 words smh)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2021 ⏰

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