I really hate you

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|Dabi's POV|

Me and Tomura had been dating for a few months now. He gets on my nerves every now and then but I love him still. We were in his room watching some action movie while cuddling and eating popcorn. He had been irritated lately after one of his plans didn't work out how he wanted it to, so I decided maybe a movie, snacks, and some cuddling would get his mind off it and help him chill.
As the movie continued, I noticed he didn't seem to be paying attention to the movie or even eating that much again. I sighed and paused the movie, getting his attention as soon as the sound of the TV stopped. He looked up at me then looked away and stared at the wall silently.

"Are you still mad over the plan failing yesterday? Because you obviously are thinking about something..."

I sighed quietly and watched as he shifted away slightly, squinting off into space.

"Yes I am Dabi- I'm an idiot, I was sure it would work but instead I got Toga almost killed. A stupid movie that has no logic behind it isn't gonna just make me forget how stupid I am"

Tomura clenched his jaw and got angrier as he ranted, being snappy with me. I let out a huff and stared at him, feeling slightly angry now.

"Damn, I'm sorry for trying to help you... you're so childish. No one here expects all your ideas and plans to work every time."

Tomura slowly looked at me then got uP pUlling on his plain black hoodie since he had only been wearing a T shirt. He scratched at his neck aggressively before starting to walk out of the room.

"Wow... yeah go leave and throw a tantrum again like a child. I fucking hate you sometimes..."

I growled and watched him leave, turning the TV off before laying down again to just take a nap until Tomura cools down.

|Tomura POV|

I walked out of the room while itching at my stupid neck intensely, very irritated at myself and now Dabi. I walked out to the bar and looked at Kurogiri who was just washing a tall glass with a small rag as always. I told him I was taking a walk before pulling my hood up and stuffing my hands in my pockets, walking down the siDewalk quietly.
The streets were empty since it was almost one in the morning. As I walked I thought about the things I could've done different during the mission I was leading, how i could've prevented things from happening. If I wasn't for the stupid pros coming. Just one too many showed up... fucking...
I blinked back into reality as a small trio had grabbed me and pulled me into an alley, covering my mouth and holding my arms down roughly. I growled and squirmed, very angry I couldn't just kill the three of them with my quiRk. My gloves to stop my quirk had been on and I couldn't get them off since my wrists were pinned down.
The three people were in all black with masks on covering their faces, one of them had multiple weapons on the ground. He was staring at the assortment of the weapons while the other two were holding me down. Strangely they hadn't said a single word as I was hit, kicked, cut and punched for what seemed like hours.
Soon they let go of me since I was too weak then to do much. The tallest one stAred at me before stabbing me in the side a few times then in the chest. Everything was going black, everything hurt and I was bleeding everywhere, gasping and coughing out some, wincing intensely at the pain. I saw the three leave as I bled out in the alley. Soon everything went dark as I went completely limp.

|Dabi's POV|

I woke up the next morning with a loud yawn, surprised Tomura hadn't been cuddled up with me. I slowly got up and walked out to the bar, assuming he would be at the counter drinking alcohol.
When I saw he wasn't there I slowly sat down and looked at Kurogiri and tilted my head a little

"Where's Tomura? I thought he'd be out here."

I closed my eyes halfway and wAtched at Kurogiri turned around with a glass in his hands as always.

"He told me he was taking a walk around midnight last night. I haven't seen him since, but he could've come in while I was sleeping."

The misty bar tender piCked up his trusty rag and began cleaning in while staring off.

"Oh... I don't think he is here. Shit... I'll got look for him"

I got up and pUlled my jacket on quickly, feeling worried now as I walked outside and went down the sidewalk, going down the path he knew Tomura usually took when he went on walks.
After a while of walking and glancing into alleys I stopped at one alley and walking into it slowly, seeing something on the ground in the shadows. As I got closer I recognized what, or who, it was and felt very sick suddenly, covering my mouth. I crouched down next to the body of Tomura, covered in blood, bruises and cuts.
I slowly put a hand on the corpses' cheek and felt as tears were pouring out of my eyes. I sobbed and hugged the dead body close, closing my eyes tight as I thought about the last moments I had with him. Which weren't good moments. I loved him so much, even if I was a dick to him and teAsed him all the time... My last words to the boy I loved was

"I fucking hate you sometimes"

I felt like shit and mumbled I was sorry a few times before just taking a moment to breathe. After a little while I slowly got uP and carried the the body through alleys all the way back to the bar while saying I was sorry and sobbing silently.

1021 words-

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