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Inosuke POV

It has been a year and a half since Tanjiro left. We were dating then he left with Nezuko. He said he would come back but we haven't talked so I took that as a break up. Zenistu has been there for me though, so that was good. I had just come back from doing a mission when I walked in the door and removed my boar mask. When I saw him.


He was sitting on the couch when you first walk in. I froze, chocking back tears. The guy I loved was in front of me. The guy who left and said he would be back. The guy who didn't talk to me. I was getting so many mixed feelings.

"INOSUKE!" Tanjiro yelled and ran up to me. I held out my hand and he froze.

Tears fell. I haven't cried since he left. "God damn you... YOU IGNORED ME! I TRIED TO TALK TO YOU BUT NO, YOU NEVER REPLIED. YOU SAID YOU WOULD BE IN IN 30 DAYS. GOD IF YOU WANTED TO IGNORE US THE YOU MIGHT OF WELL SAID IT!" I yelled as I cried. Sobbed actually. I felt his arms go around me. I didn't know how to feel.

"Inosuke... I'm sorry. I never meant to go as long as I did or ignore you. My bird died, and I was lost. Nezuko and I spent a whole year trying to get back home. You have every right to be mad just know that I still love you," He says crying in my arms. I am shocked by what he said. I feel so bad. I hug him back.

"I'm sorry. I- I didn't know. I love you too and I thought you were breaking up with me that's why you left. I had no idea that happened," I say and he pulls back from the hug and places his hand on my cheek and caresses it with his thumb.

"I would never leave you, you know that. We literally have promise rings dumbass," He says laughing. I realize something. He still wears his. I drag him to my room and shuffle through my drawer I pull mine out.

"I was mad because I though you broke up with me, so I was going to throw it but I loved you to much to do that do I hid it in my drawer," I say laughing, my eyes still wet from crying. I look at him and he looks at me. He is truly beautiful.

I walk up to him and he walk's up to me. I grab his neck and bring his head close to mine. "I'm sorry for leaving," He whispers his mouth 2 inches away from mine. 

"Don't worry about it, you're here now," I say.

He closes the gap. This feel's so nice. God I missed this. I kiss him with as much passion as he is giving me. A lot. After 1 minute we pull back. We have good stamina.

"God I missed that," Tanjiro says pulling me in for another kiss. I kiss him back. All the memories come flooding back to me. The ones of us. Just us. I bite his lip and he moans in the kiss. That makes my heartbeat speed up. I plunge my tongue in his mouth and he plunges his in mine. Oh god I missed this. Badly. I started sucking on his tongue, after a while I pulled back out of breathe.

"Ah, you still have worse stamina then me. I see," He says. I glare at him.

"We didn't all train on a mountain Jiro," I say. I call him Jiro, it's much easier. His face lights up.

"THAT NICKNAME OH GOD OH GOD I MISSED IT!" He says jumping up on my and I grab his but holding him up on my waist. He wraps his legs around my waist and kisses all over my face.

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