The mission

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Third Person POV

Inosuke, Tanjiro, Zenistu, and Nezuko were on a mission, with the help of Shinobu and Tomioka in the woods. This was a hard mission, especially for Tanjiro and Inosuke because they got separated from the others. They both liked each other for a while, and they made it obvious that they did, just they weren't official, or confessed.

But that wasn't to worry about at the moment, they were being attack by 4 powerful demons at once. Tanjiro fought off 2 on his own, but when Inosuke got hit and fell down, Tanjiro immediately went to help him.

"Breathe Inosuke, please breathe," Tanjiro said as blood was draining from Inosuke's chest, where he was stabbed. He was.. crying. Tanjiro never saw Inosuke cry before and he didn't like it. He picked him up and hugged him tight, while demons were scratching at his face.

Tanjiro lost it. He stood up. He started to breathe fast. He was mad this time. "FIRE AND WATER BREATHING! SEVENTH FORM!" He yelled. The demon's froze? Was he about to.. do both? Sure enough Tanjiro swung, it was powerful, really powerful.

Fire started shooting out everywhere, water was coming towards the demons. If it wasn't violent you could call it pretty. Inosuke watches in amazement as his vision was going more and more blurry by the second. When the fire stopped, and the water came rushing in, Tanjiro saw the demons. All with no head. He was breathing hard and fast, but it was angry breathes. He immediately rushed over to Inosuke, who was clearly dying. "Inosuke, stay here please, you got this! Don't leave me!" Tanjiro cried as blood started coming out of Inosuke's mouth. 

Instead of saying anything, Inosuke lifted his left arm up, and touched Tanjiro's face. Tanjiro froze and looked at him, tears streaming down his face. "kiss me," Inosuke said very quietly. He was in great pain. Tanjiro kissed him, without second thought. Inosuke lying down, and Tanjiro leaning over him. It was a sweet kiss, but Tanjiro had a feeling it would be their only. They pulled back and Inosuke smiled, as Tanjiro continued to cry. He held Inosuke tight in his arms, as he started to close his eyes, Just then Shinobu appeared, looking stunned.

"Did you do two form at breathing at once? That's unheard of.." She said, just looking amazed at this little boy.

"Shinobu, heal him.. please. You've done it before!" Tanjiro cried out. "He's dying, you have to heal him!"

Shinobu walked up to him, and slowly peeled Tanjiro off. She felt Inosuke's pulse, and took a step back and get's out her Katana. 

"Only if you tell me how you did that. How you used two forms at once," She said looking serious, and staring right at Tanjiro.

"Yes I will! Just heal him or kill me also!" Tanjiro said getting impatient. Shinobu breathed in, took a step back and muttered something, she walked over to Inosuke, and flicked a butterfly at him. Nothing happened for a second, then he took a big breathe in. He was breathing again. Shinobu waved her sword and a whole pack of butterflies came flying out. 

"I'm getting the other's to come, we are going back now," She said as she turned away from Tanjiro. Tanjiro ran up to her a hugged her. He was so thankful for what she did. She just shrugged him off, but Tanjiro didn't care. He ran back to Inosuke and carefully picked him up, put him on his back, and ran up to be with her.

"I'll tell you what I did. All I said was Water and Fire breathing seventh form. That's it," He said breaking the silence, she paused and looked at him. 

"That's it? People have tried that before. It didn't work." She said very blandly as she continued to walk forwards. 

"Well I guess I was very mad, Inosuke was dying, so I went into a deep state of emotion, and just let it all out. I think that's it," He said as Shinobu let out a squeak and they kept walking.

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