☁️💙Sleepy mornings💜☁️

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Modern au
Hehe they married and stuff too, hehe.
The art above is by the amazing human, snazzy_queer_king (Sorry if I annoy you by mentioning you here).

-Saihara Shuichi's POV-

I woke up to a weight on my chest and frizzy, purple, hair in my mouth as well as tickling my chin and neck. Kokichi, my husband, had fallen asleep on my chest the night prior and was still somehow sleeping, though my failed attempts to get up caused him to move slightly and mutter inaudible phrases, making small, adorable, noises every time he moved.

Finally, he opened his eyes a bit, closing them soon after then snuggling back into my chest and mumbling, quietly, and in an irritated tone "ten more minutes." I chuckled softly at this, petting his hair gently. "How about five minutes, love? Since I do have to go to work today." I said calmly, placing a small kiss on the top of his head. He groaned, hugging me tighter, "why can't you just call in sick or something? I obviously matter more than some stupid job....right?" He mumbled into my chest, looking at me with his beautiful, purple, almost glittery and sparkling, eyes near the end. I pet his hair one last time, gently running my fingers through it, almost getting stuck on a few knots, before giving him a kiss on the cheek. "I guess I could, just this once though."  I said, remembering the many times I've said that exact thing to the same comment made by the smaller black and purple haired male.

The rest of the day was spent cuddling, sleeping, and whispering sweet nothings to each other.

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