Chapter 1: Music girl

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3rd person POV
Amity woke up to the blaring sound of her alarm on her phone. She groaned rolled over tiredly and turned off her alarm. Mornings were hard for Amity but she got through them barley. She sat up in her pajamas and stretched to try to wake herself up more It helped a bit. She walked over to her bathroom and started her morning routine. Brushing her teeth hair etc. she looked through her closet to figure out what to wear. She just picked ripped jeans a black tee and a flannel. Even though it was fall it gets cold quickly in the Boiling Isles.

She put everything in her backpack that she needed and walked down the stairs. She saw her sister Emira with a muffin in her hand. "Hey Em did you make these?" Emira nodded "Yeah I decided to make something this morning." Amity shrugged. Her sister was a pretty darn good cook. Emrias twin brother Edric? Eh not so much if you give him a recipe he will still find some way to mess it up. Amity didn't find that much fun in cooking so she never did.

"Alright imma head out for school. You two don't get into trouble!" Amity said putting on her shoes. "Cant make any promises!" She heard Edric say from upstairs. Yeah they were both 19 but they decided to take a gap year before they start college. If they even go to college. She walked outside and shivered a bit at the cool air that hit her face. She put her hands in her pockets and walked to her friend Boscha's house. Boscha was one of her real friends and the only one she hung out with after school. Amity put in her headphones and listened to some music on her way to Boscha's house humming to the tunes.

She didn't realize she was at Boscha's house till she was at the door she was just zoning out She guessed. She knocked on the door and hear someone say something but couldn't hear it. She just kept humming to her music till Boscha came out with her hair in her usual bun and her outfit just black jeans cuffed at the bottom and a tee shirt with a jacket.

"Hey Amity! How's it going this morning?" Boscha asked. Amity just shrugged "Eh not much just usual don't wanna go to school day ya know?" Boscha nodded as they made casual small talk laughing at each others jokes and nudging eachother every once in a while. Boscha was ranting about a girl named Willow. And Amity just smirked at her.

"You know sounds to me that you like this girl and more than a friend way." Amity teased Boscha who shoved Amity lightly. "Oh shut up! I just wanna get to know her better! That's it!" Boscha defended herself to which Amity laughed at. "Uhu sure like people who wanna get to know someone talks about them for hours!" Amity said again with a teasing tone. Boscha groaned and didn't defend herself this time. They changed the conversation to something else and continued to walk.

Once they got to school they both headed to there first class which they had together. They had 2nd hour, 4th hour, lunch, and 7th together. There first class was History which Amity liked and Boscha always took notes off of her. They walked inside the class which had maybe 4 other people in it right now. School starts in 15 minutes so more kids would come in later. Amity sat down in her usual spot and took out her notebook. She started doodling out of boredom Boscha kept talking about the plant girl. That was Amity's nickname for her since Boscha told her she loved plants.

The bell rang loudly and the teacher began his lesson. "Ok class so today we are going to watch a video and we are going to be taking notes so take out your note books and let's begin!" He said in his enthusiastic tone as usual. The class groaned and got out there notebooks. Boscha didn't take that many notes. "You know I'm not going to let you copy off me forever right?" Amity asked her quietly. She shrugged. "You'll still let me copy off you and I know it." Amity rolled her eyes and continued writing down notes.

1st 2nd and 3rd hour went smoothly and she was headed to lunch now with Boscha. They sat at there usual table with Willow next to Boscha. So basically the whole lunch period Amity was like the third wheel. She didn't mind though she was glad Boscha could find someone who made her truly happy. Of course she teased them both but she didn't mind Willow being there. She just sat there drawing or listening to there conversation. The bell rang the signaled 4th period would start soon. They all got up and head to 4th.

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