Chapter 3: The Library

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A/n FYI  ——  means time skip. Also slight tw harassment

One week later
Amity POV
I woke up to my alarm going off. I was confused at first cause it was a Sunday then I remembered. I have to read to the kids today at the library. I loved reading to kids ever since I was 13 and I got a job at the library to read to kids. I always read to them on Sundays, Wednesdays, Thursday, and some Fridays it was always fun to hear there opinions about the books. I stand up a little to quickly and get dizzy. "Woah....." I said quietly gaining back my balance and walking to the bathroom. The same routine Brush teeth hair etc.

"Hey Amity you awake?" I heard my Father say. He's home? Usually he's off at work by now. I checked the time

8:32am huh he goes to work usually at 6:30 weird.

"Yeah I am! I'll be out in a second!" I shouted back to make sure he heard. I could hear his footsteps leave my room entrance and down the stairs. I put on some ripped black jeans a plain maroon Tee shirt with a hoodie in case I got cold. I put my hair up in its usual style. Hmmmm I should change up my hair color. Im kinda getting tired of the green. I thought about changing my hair color on my way down the stairs and see my dad

"Not to be rude or anything but why aren't you at work dad? You usually leave at 6:30?" I ask him. He smiles "There was a gas leak and no one could go into the office today while they fixed it. So I'm going to be in my office working today and probably most of the week." I nod understanding. I look at my phone and see I should leave soon.

"Ok well I have to go and read to the kids. I'll be back later!" I tell my dad while walking to put on my shoes. "Ok kiddo I'll see you once you get home! Oh and don't stay out to late!" He says as I leave the house. The walk to the library was shorter then school so it took me not to long to get there.

"Hey Amity! What book you gonna read to the kids today?" One of the librarians asked me once I walked in. I shrugged. "I actually don't know. I'll ask them what they want me to read today." I say walking to the kids corner. "Miss Amity!!" The kids say once I walk in. "Hey kids! Now we are going to play for a few more minutes then I'll read to you guys ok?" I tell them the plan for today. They all nod and continued to play around.

"Hey Miss Amity?" I hear one of the kids ask. I turn and keel to there level. "Yeah what is it bud?" I ask the boy Matt. He pulls out a Good Witch Azura book and hands it to me. "Can we read this today?" He asked shyly. I smile at the book. Man I used to love these books. I nod "sure bud but this book is longer and well read it through a few days ok?" He nods his head and hugs me then runs back to his friends. "Kids are so adorable...." I say quietly to myself.


I was finishing a chapter of the Good Witch Azura book when it was time for the kids to go home. I closed the book and all the kids groaned. "Ok you all it's time for you to go home. Have a great day!" I tell them all and hug a few of them as they leave. I see Luz standing not to far away from the kids corner when I was hugging one of the kids. Once they all left Luz made her way over to me. "Amity Blight I didn't know you read to kids? And reading the Good Witch Azura none the less?!" Luz said with a laugh in her voice.

I roll my eyes trying to hide my smile and failing miserably. "Yeah I read to the kids. It's just a fun thing I do to escape things I guess. It's calming in a way. I also love all the kids." I say with a few laughs. I take this time to look at Luz. Her hair was ruffled in its usual style but a little more messy but I liked it. She wore regular jeans a hoodie and a shirt underneath.

Luz smiles "yeah I can tell they love you as well." Luz says as she grabs a Good Witch Azura book off one of the shelf's and looks at it. "I haven't read these books in years. When I was 13 - 14ish I read these all the time! I wouldn't shut up about them! Ask my mom she'll tell you." Luz laughs and I do to.

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