Chapter 4: Luz's first day of school

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(Not my art) TW mentions of Su!c!de, and Homophobia

Luz's POV
I wake up to my alarm for school! I am so excited to go to Hexside and meet to people and hang out with my friends! Amity, Boscha, and Willow have been telling me things about Hexside like the popular girls the stupid jocks and all that. I have been texting Amity a lot more than the others and I don't know why I guess she just makes me feel like I can be myself. I stretch sitting up in my bed and I head to the bathroom for my usual morning routine.

I walk out of the bathroom and head to my closet trying to find clothes to wear. "Hmmmm what to wear..... ah!" I say quietly as I find a nice blue shirt and black ripped jeans as well as a light blue hoodie to go alone with it. I make sure my hair is fixed again and I head downstairs with my backpack. Amity and Boscha where going to walk to my house and get me since it's on the way to school. My mom was already at work today so I didn't have to worry about waking her up.

After I eat a banana for breakfast I head outside and I sit in my porch looking at my phone. I scroll troughs some photos on my phone looking at memories. Summer camp ugh I hated it there. I think as I see a picture of the summer camp. It was awful there. My mom didn't know it was a Christian camp for kids who were misbehaving. They told me that since I liked girls as well as boys that it was a 'sin' and they made me just look at guys the whole time to 'reverse' my bisexuality. I luckily didn't let it affect me to much like some kids did. I hate people saying that it's wrong to like the same gender like why do you care? It's not your life?

I get pulled out of my thoughts by Boscha saying my name from far away. I look up and see Boscha and Amity talking about something. Well more of Boscha ranting and Amity just listening. "Hey guys! How's your morning?" I ask the two girls in front of me. The both shrug. "Eh same old same old I'm glad your finally going to school now I don't have to listen to Boscha rant all the time." Amity says whispering the last part to me. Me and Amity laugh as Boscha sends us a glare. "Well it's not my fault you always let me rant." Boscha says to Amity who keeps laughing at her.

"Are you excited about Hexside Luz?" Boscha asked me. I nod "I'm glad I already have friends there and I don't have to find them myself and risk getting backstabbed." I say as it has happened before at one of my old school. The two look at each other and back at me and nod understanding. "Yeah I get your point. Anyway let's head to school!" Amity says grabbing both mine and Boscha's hand and jogging away.

I laugh a bit and I notice she has on my hoodie I gave her a week ago. I give her a smirk as she raises her eye brow at me. "What?" She asked wondering why I was staring at her "oh nothing just that your wearing my hoodie?" I say. She looks at the hoodie and realizes once she does her face turns a slight shade of pink. I laugh a bit. "Don't worry I'm teasing it's still yours I don't need it anyways it was a bit small on me." I say before she can ask if I want it back.

I see that Boscha is smirking at Amity who hits her shoulder. I'm surprised she doesn't have a bruise there from all the shoulder hits. I laugh to myself at my thought as we continue to walk to school. Once we get there I go to the office to get my schedule. Once I enter the office I get a strong scent of Cinnamon. My brain didn't like it at first but got used to it eventually. "Umm excuse me I'm new and I need my schedule." I say to one of the ladies there. She nods "ok sweetie so what's your name and how old are you?" She asked as she typed in some stuff. "I'm Luz Noceda and I'm 16" I say to her as she typed it in.

"Here you go and if you need anything don't be Afraid to ask a student or a teacher ok? Have a good day!" She says as she hands me my schedule. I nod and wave at her bye. I see Boscha and Amity at some lockers and I walk over to them. "Did you get your schedule?" Amity asked. I nodded and handed it to them so they could look. I could see Amity light up a bit. "We have 4 classes together that's cool!" Amity says as she hands me back my schedule. "Oh really? What periods?" I ask. "1st 3rd 4th and 6th we also have lunch together with Boscha as well." Amity says as we begin to walk to our classes. Boscha also has 1st hour with us so we all walk together. Boscha was a bit ahead of us and walked in the class first.

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