Chapter 6: Rules

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(Not my art)

3rd person POV
Amity and Luz where still sleeping in the same position they were in last night. Boscha woke up fist as she does usually. She sat up and looked at the bed to see if the other two were awake. She smiled as she saw them cuddling with each other. Then she grabbed her phone and took a picture of the two and laughed a little knowing she would tease Amity about this later. Boscha decided to just sit and wait for the other two to wake up. Eventually Luz woke up and stretched a little bit while also trying to not wake up Amity. She scanned the room a little and saw Boscha on her phone. She looked up and said a small morning before getting ready to tease Luz.

"How did you guys sleep? Good I'm guessing?" Boscha teased. Luz blushed a little and looked away trying not to smile. She failed. "She had a nightmare and I wanted to help. And we just fell asleep." Luz says defending herself but trying to stay quiet to not wake up Amity. Boscha's teasing smirk turned into a sad smile. "She's been having those nightmares for a while. I thought they were getting better." Boscha said a little worried about the girl. Luz couldn't deny she was a little worried as well.

The two girl made small talk trying not to talk to loud. Luz sat up and adjusted Amity so that she was sitting up as well but still laying on Luz. Surprisingly Amity didn't wake up but just leaned into Luz more. After about a half-hour Amity woke up to Luz and Boscha laughing at a joke. Amity yawned and stretched. "Morning you two. I guess I'm the last one up huh?" Amity said still laying on Luz. She kinda forgot she was, she was to comfy and happy to notice. "Yep you are like you usually were for sleepovers. You need to get more sleep girl." Boscha said. Amity usually stayed up late doing homework cause that's what her Mom wanted her to do.

"Yeah yeah I know. I'm getting better at sleeping. I actually slept pretty well last night though." Amity said she was still forgetting she was laying on Luz. But Luz didn't care she enjoyed it as well. Boscha gave Amity and Luz a teasing look. "Yeah probably you were laying on your cuddle buddy over there." Boscha's tease the two of them. That's when Amity remembered tried to move away but she didn't want to. And didn't have the energy to do she stayed there.
Luz's hugs are so warm. I could stay here for days.

Amity blushed a little till Luz said something "You have your own cuddle buddy yourself." Luz teased Boscha back. Boscha looked surprised till the words sunk in and she laughed to hide the blush. "Ok ok I'll stop teasing you two, I don't know about you two but I'm kinda hungry." Boscha said standing up. Luz and Amity weren't really hungry so they were just going to stay there. "Well you can get something from the kitchen I'm not that hungry." Amity said and Luz nodded. "Alright. Don't do anything while I'm gone!" Boscha said leaving the two blushing gay idiots behind her.

The two of them sat there for a bit just enjoying the silence. Keep in mind they were still in the same position as when Amity woke up. They both loved it but didn't want to comment on it. "So Um. What was your dream last night about? Do you want to talk about it?" Luz asked remembering how they got there in the first place. Amity was hesitant to tell Luz what happened. But then she decided might as well tell her what happened but I won't tell her everything....

"We'll you know about my mom right? And how she's not really the best person in my family?" Amity asked Luz. She nodded, they have shared a lot of things about themselves to one another but they knew they could trust each other with anything. "Well I keep having dreams about her. And her hurting my sibling or friends. What happened last night was she was hurting Um.... You and I wanted her to stop but she didn't and I started crying and fell in the floor. That's when you woke me up." Amity said keeping somethings out of the explanation. Luz looked worried for Amity and gave her a big hug.

"Well luckily for you I'm pretty tough, don't let these nerd arms fool you." Luz joked to lighten the mood a little and it worked. Amity giggled a little and nodded. "Don't worry I used to have nerd arms to." Amity joked back and they both laughed. Boscha opened the door with a bowl of cereal. And she sat down and joined into the conversation.

4:00pm 4 hours till the party.

Amity POV
We were all nervous for the party that's for sure. But I think Boscha is the most nervous. Me and Luz are definitely nervous but Boscha is like in a momma bear mode. Me and Boscha have been to some of Breas party's before and we know how they work. We need to make some ground rules for Luz and us.

"How about we make some rules for the party today? If it would make you feel less nervous Boscha." I said as we were talking about what to do at the party. Boscha though then nodded her head. Luz was still laying against the bed but at one point I had it move for our cuddling position. So now I was sitting in front of her facing Boscha who is sitting on my desk chair.

"Ok so me and Amity have been to these party's before Luz so we know how they work. 1. Do not take a drink from anyone! And if you need someone to hold your drink give it to me or Amity." Boscha said to both of us. We nodded Luz looked like she was really paying attention not wanted to mess this up. "Ok 2. Don't play any game that Brea says. Like seven minutes in heaven, spin the bottle all that jazz." I say remembering what happened last time we played one of those games.

It was no fun not at all....

"Ok 3. Unless absolutely necessary don't punch/hit anyone. Ok that's all I can think of at the moment." Boscha said I couldn't think of any other ones either. "How about we also always stay near one another? So we don't get lost or hurt in anyway." Luz said thinking of another one. It was a pretty solid one to so we all agreed I that one as well. "Alright so now that's out of the way. What should we do before we go?" I asked the two of them. They both drugged there shoulders not knowing what to do either.

"How about we just hang out here? I don't really want to go anywhere till the party." Luz said playing with her fingers. She always does that when she's either bored or nervous. I don't think she would be bored so why is she nervous? Maybe the party? I thought for a little heard a muffled response from Boscha but I couldn't hear what she said. I was to deep in thought. I was just staring at the wall and thinking about a lot.

What will happen at that party? Will the same thing that happened to my sister happen to me? What if Boscha or Luz get hurts? What will I do? Most likely I would hurt them even more. How would my dad react if I got in a fight? What if- "AMITY!" I got pulled out of my thoughts by Luz and Boscha yelling my name. I shake my head clear of thought and pulled my attention to them. "What? What is it? What happened?" I say rather fast.

The two of them laughed a little and I am just confused. What did they want? "Don't worry none of us are hurt or anything we were just wondering what we should eat for dinner before the party?" Luz asked. I thought for a second. I'm kinda hungry. I shrug my shoulders not sure what we should eat. "I'm not really sure." I say Boscha looked annoyed. "Ughhhh I'm so hungryyyy." Boscha complained. I roll my eyes and look back at Boscha.

"Your always hungry. I swear you could eat anything and still have room for more food!" I exclaimed to Boscha who was pouting. "Listen I have a big appetite." Boscha defended herself. I scoff "Yeah no shit Sherlock." I say under my breath knowing Boscha hates that phrase for some reason. Boscha obviously heard the phrase and got up to catch me. I ran as fast as I could out of my door and down the hall. I could hear Luz laughing at both of us from my room. Boscha and I kept running to Luz found us and grabbed my waist to stop me from running any farther.

"Ok, ok even though it's funny to see you two just running in circles knock it off. And If you want any food Boscha you should probably get it now before we have to leave." Luz said with a chuckle and her arm still around my waist. I was blushing a little and looked at Boscha to see her sticking her tongue out at me in a child like way. I do the same back at her. "I swear you two are children." I heard Luz mumble but it was loud enough for us to hear and we all started laughing a little.

"Says you! You got excited over something shiny! If that isn't a childish thing I don't know what is." Boscha said back to Luz. I laughed even more at the two of them bickering. "Ok, ok fair enough we are all children. Let's get some food." Luz said walking to the kitchen taking away her arm from my waist. I have to admit I was a little sad and I think Boscha noticed. Cause she gave me that teasing look like she usually does. "Oh don't even start." I say walking to the kitchen. Boscha puts her hands up in surrender. "I didn't say anything."

We all laughed and talked till the party.
I wish the party never happened.
But I'm also glad it did.

A/n this is a little shorter than my other chapters but the next one will be long I promise! I just wanted to get this out before I got into a lot of school work. If there's typos I'll try to fix them as fast as possible.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2021 ⏰

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