Chapter 4

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Chapter 4
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Mia Antony

"What. The. Fudge?" Maya shouted at me.

"And a warm hello to you too!" I replied sarcastically.

"Seriously what's going on?"

"Well it's a long story and not a very thought through one at that."

"Well shorten it, and then simplify it"

"Okay well, you know I told you I had a plan" I waited for Maya's reply, which was a simple nod that said 'Yep! Now continue' "Well I did have a plan and it looked like a brilliant plan at that time, but it wasn't or it isn't anymore because I overlooked something, meaning an anomaly occurred."

"Okay? But it doesn't explain this" she said while gesturing to my leather outfit. Her dressed as me, and my helmet.

"Yeah well the plan was that I ride the bike, you know the one dad and I (well mostly me) made from scratch, well that was the idea but then I thought that the bike was bound to catch some person's eye, which will result in people seeking my face hence I'm going to be crowded with questions and crap!"

"Okay I'm kinda getting the gist of this plan, but, why am I dressed up looking like you in your 'way-too-big-for-you' clothes and fake glasses?"

"Well you can't ride a bike can you? No! So I got you to disguise yourself as me so when I come into the school in my 'biker's outfit' they won't think of her as being me."

"But what if they think of her being me?"

"That's the idea," I told her "Even though we're twins we have our differences for instance you like being popular hence you're use to attention, me on the other hand, well I would rather stay under the radar, so if you just so happened to be this new mysterious biker girl, you won't have anything to lose if anything you're gaining something"

"And what of someone asked me to ride the bike?"

"I have an idea but I'll explain it to you when that event occurs okay?"


"Good, can we exchange our clothes now?"

"Yes please!"

Aaron Mathews

I followed her into the main entrance of the college, but as soon as I reached the main hallway, I was bombarded by a sea of students, Dammit! I lost her. I used my full height to check if I can at least get a glimpse of her, but no such luck, she disappeared from my sight, frustration was coursing through me, she has to be here somewhere! I thought to myself, I knew that there was no point in pursuing her, but that didn't stop me, there was something about her something enticing, I have to know who she is, one thing is for sure, I have a mission, I need to find the girl behind that helmet! This statement only brought on the masked determination that was hidden for this day, for this exact mission to find that one girl.

I know this makes me sound obsessive or stalker like but I have to find her, just looking at her I can tell that she's the type of girl that everybody wants, the type that's adventurous and isn't afraid to face anything, why else would she ride a bike?

"So?" said a familiar voice that was behind me, I turned around to face the owner, there he stood hands in his pockets looking slightly eager to find out how it went "what happened? Why are you just standing here staring off in to space? Spill I want to hear everything"

"Well there's nothing much to tell except that I lost her!"

"What? Noo!" he replied back stretching the 'o' sound in no

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