Chapter 5

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Chapter 5
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Mia Antony

"What?" I screamed, NO, NO, this can't be happening, this shouldn't be happening, why is this happening?

"Woah! Did not see that one coming." Lila exclaimed

"You can say that again" Jensen replied, am I the only one freaking out, of course I am, I mean the schools hottest and most asked out boy is in search of me, well HER, I think I'm going to pass out.

"Mia, are you okay? You don't look too well" Jensen asked

"Yeah you look a bit pale" Lila joined in

"Umm... Yeah... No... Err..." I mumbled, Shoot how do I get out of this one, wait got it "It's err... One of them... Urr... Headaches again! I should probably go to the doctors to check it out" This wasn't technically a lie since I do feel a headache forming AND I normally do get bad headaches, I'm not sure why I get these headaches though

"Yeah you've been getting a lot of them now, and it's only Monday"

"Anyway we all know what the doctors are going to say" Lottie stated matter-of-factly

"Really? And what's that?" I asked curious as to what she was going to reply with

"That your brain is too big for your head, that it is expanding and that your skull is too small to support it, hence the headaches"

"Oh haha" I replied sarcastically "Just 'cos I'm smarter than you"

"That maybe true, but what I said is also the truth, I actually think that your brain is bigger than someone with dyslexia"

"That's a bit offensive especially to Cassie (pronounced KaySee) and Layla"

"Pssh they're not here at the moment" Charlotte said in dismissal

"When will you ever learn?" I mumbled but I think Jensen heard it since there were snickers coming from him so I gave him a friendly glare; he just innocently smiled back at me like he didn't do anything

Maya Antony

Back in the girls toilet again, why? Because I'm hiding, who from? Boys! It's only the start of the week and I've already been asked out five times! Jesus Christ! I would say that Mia doesn't know what she's missing but then I would be lying, as this is my own personal nightmare, I can't go one minute without some random guy asking me out, which means less time spent with friends! Sad face.

Gah! I'm so jealous of Mia sometimes, she's got it all, the looks and the brains, anyway it's not like guys ask me out for my personality, it's all for the looks or the social status. There is this one boy that I really, really like and wouldn't mind asking me out. His gorgeous hair that's kind of dishevelled whenever I see him, his captivating brown eyes like two big pools of hot chocolate, and his luscious lips, they haunt my every dream.

I shook my head to get rid of those distracting images not now! I scolded myself, I was just reapplying my makeup when the door open in one quick motion I turned around to see Dawn a close friend of mine the only one in my group that I can at least consider as a friend, well her and Stella, the others are just my 'friends' for the glory they think that I don't know but I do!

"Phew! I thought I was never going to find you" Dawn said while flicking a loose tendril of mahogany coloured hair back, she was an odd one Dawn, not like the cruel mean girl type odd, but a sweet and caring friend kind of odd, let's just say her personality does not match her looks. What was that phrase again? Oh yeah! Don't judge a book by its cover.

"Aren't you being a bit over dramatic?" I asked

"NO!" she squealed back "So why are you hiding this time?"

I sighed "Same reason, same people, same gender, it never changes"

"I'm sorry sweetie" she came over and gave me a hug "I wish I could make it all better for you"

"It's not your fault and it's not your job to fix my problems"

"Yes it is, you're my friend meaning if you have a problem it's my problem as well"

"You know, you sound a lot like my sister except she says 'I'm your older sister meaning if you have a problem it's my job to fix it, since our parents aren't here anymore, I have to look after you, petty problems and all'"

"Well then she's a great sister"

"Yeah she is"


So like I promised I updated for you guys, okay to tell you the truth I didn't really think I would get this much reads, I know it's only 100 and something but it's actually the most I have received out of all my stories :D

But I am sad about 1 thing, you guys aren't really dropping any comments and that really saddens me because I have no idea what you think of the story so far, so I was thinking- and I've seen a lot of writers do this- that if I don't get enough feedback on this chapter then on the next chapter I'm going to ask for 5 votes and 2-3 comments until then chapter 7 is on hold, don't worry chapter 6 is coming next week, this is just a trial! It's not forever.

Until then keep your eyes peeled for the next update you'll never know it might be sooner than you expect (especially if everything goes according to plan)

~ Ninja

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