Chapter 3

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Chapter 3
All Rights Reserved. ©

Mia Antony

I must really hate myself to do this, everyone thinks of me as the geek girl, little do they know that if they get on the wrong side of me their life, from that moment on, is going downhill, though a geek I can definitely take care of myself and I've got parents with power, not to mention I'm also the black belt karate champion for 12 years running. One of the reasons my friends know not to cross me, yes! It may come as a surprise to you but I do have friends, and very loyal ones at that.

I know doing this will only get me the one thing I really hate.

The rare moments when me and my mum hung out before she got the tied up with her new job, she told me stories of when Maya and I were young, apparently when it was our fifth birthday, many people started searching for me to greet me a 'happy birthday' but I kept hiding from them and telling them that it was also Maya's birthday too, when they turned their attention to Maya, I ran out of the room and locked myself in the cupboard under the stairs, according to her, she and dad had to drag me out of there. Sounds like me, I guess I still haven't changed a bit.

I have to ride the bike sooner or later, or it's just going to rust away, and I have to pay for spare parts that I have to replace, and let me just tell you, they are not easy to come by. Why does my passion always lead me to the one thing I loathe with all my life!

Why am I doing this again? My mind screamed at me, oh yeah! that's right, because my parents are too busy with their work that they've forgotten that they have two daughters who attends school every weekday... Well me anyway, Maya has her occasional skipping days, or as she calls it 'an off day'. Apparently she sometime works too hard that she need a 'day off' for some 'much needed' R&R. Pffft yeah right!

I haven't completely thought this plan through yet, but I do know one thing, people can't know it's me. So I told Maya to dress up like me this will eradicate any clues that may point out the biker to be me, hopefully! Maybe I'm over thinking this whole situation. Shaking that last thought out of my mind I zipped up the leather outfit that Charlotte- the dirty minded one of the group- gave me for my sixteenth birthday saying 'you don't know it yet but you'll thank me for it!' little does she know how right she was, I seriously thought that I would never use it not even if my life depended on it, but boy was I wrong.

Finally I put the tinted helmet on and hopped onto the bike, then I put the key in the ignition and kicked start the bike, now I was ready to go to school, I even double checked to see if I took the outfit Maya wanted which I did, I was now all set to go to school unnoticed if that's even possible.

I missed the fresh air that blew at my face whenever I rode a bike (my cousins used to let me ride their bike when I was younger) the adrenalin rush was pure joy, even though the other drivers on the road couldn't see me, I knew that I looked stupidly crazy with a giant grin plastered on to my face and even if they couldn't see my face it didn't stop from looking at me. STOP LOOKING AT ME! I screamed at them in my mind knowing full well that they couldn't hear me SHOOT! SHOOT! SHOOT! I overlooked something in this plan, I must have since everyone is staring at me and that didn't even stop when I got to school, oh no if anything it worsened! All of the male species who were in the parking lot were looking at me in confusion, trying to figure out who I was, admiring me, my bike or both. I had to remind myself time and time again that if I keep ignoring them then they will sooner, rather than later, eventually, dissipate.

I gracefully parked the bike to the nearest empty parking space to the exit and I took the keys out of the ignition, jumped off of the bike and at a fast pace walked to the main hall of the college. If I was quick enough I might even get to the toilet and swap with Maya, without attracting too much attention.

I confidentially walked into the school and made my way into the toilet, once there I locked myself in one of the booths and started texting Maya to tell her to meet me at the toilets.

After arguing with Maya via text, I waited in the booth the one thing I noticed was that none of the girls in our school used the toilets in the morning, weird.

Suddenly I heard the toilet door opening after that Mia texted me saying that she was in the toilet, upon receiving that text I got out of the toilet double checked if anyone was in here, locked the main door to the toilet and started inching the helmet up to create suspension, from Maya's facial expression I'm guessing that she hasn't figured out that it's me yet.

After I fully took my helmet off, I noticed that Maya had spaced out since her eyes looked like they were focused on something distant, when she came round I smirked at her.


Hey guys!

Sorry it's been so long since I've updated this book but in my defence I was too busy with GCSEs and college applications :(

Also if you enjoy reading my stories check out some of my other creative pieces (fair warning they are all at the moment incomplete)

How's the story so far? You liking it? How do you feel?

Drop a comment, I'm dying to know what you thinking!

Keep warm and stay safe, look out if the next update!

~ Ninja

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