Chapter 2

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Chapter 2
All Rights Reserved. ©

Maya Antony

The things I do for my twin sister, she owes me big time for this, my reputation is at stake if anyone recognises me, not that I'm not bothered about that if it means helping my sister, I know I contradicted myself but hey so if life, even though she's older, sometimes I feel like I'm looking after her but that's not always true, because mum and dad are now big, famous and haven't-got-enough-time-for-their-children business people, we have to look after ourselves, so being older, automatically and by default all the responsibility fell on Mia's shoulders, as if she hasn't already got enough on her plate. I try to help her though because even if she's older, it's only by mere, measly two minutes. Luckily there's only the two of us that we have to take care of.

So here I am walking in clothes that are way too big for me and for her to be honest, two sizes too big! And fake glasses that she wears, yeah! She has perfect 20/20 vision and yet she decides to wear fake glasses, I think she taking this whole 'geek chic' thing a bit too literally, at least I'm not too bothered about her choice in shoes, even if Mia happens to be a geek she got a black converse for me/her. I have to wear a wig since her hair is a lot longer than mine and naturally curly and not to mention as black as night itself.

I've also got like a ton of books in my hands, all for the sake of appearance, well more for hers than mine.

Okay so you might be wondering why I'm walking around looking like my twin sister, well it's because like I said before now that our parents are too busy for us we have to make our own way to school, I can get a lift from my friends, but most of them are not very fond of Mia and I really don't care of what they think about my sister. I would have taken mum's car so both of us can go to school together but Mia said that she'll get there no matter what, I mean it's not like her to miss a school day anyway, so all she asked me to do was that I dress up like her for some reason and being the loving sister that I am, I did what she asked me to, no questions asked, I still don't know why, I do know that Mia has a way of getting here, the bike she and dad made from scratch when she was young, this was when he had spare time to spend with us, Mia more than me anyway, dad spent most of his spare time with Mia, I think it was because she was the oldest, but mum was quite the opposite she had more time for me than for Mia, but either way we both got equal amount of attention, it only took her a couple of months to build it from nothing but the pieces, and considering that she was about six years old, it was pretty quick, she's quite handy with tools and she's got her license now, which means that she can ride the bike she built.

Maybe that's why she asked me to dress up like her, when she gets here she told me that she was going to text me to meet her in the girls' toilets, don't worry I'm as confused as you are at the whole point of this, but Mia as never liked attention, it's the one thing she always tries to avoid.

I went to her locker and unlocked the lock on the locker door and deposited all her books there, though we're the same age, all of her studies are more advanced than mine, since she's like a genius, so most of our classes are different to each other.

I had to carefully place all of her heavy and abnormally thick books with ridiculously long names, which would be better of being a tongue twister, into the lengthy locker, while acting as if I was Mia herself, meaning I had to push the glasses further up my nose whenever it slipped down.

After wrestling with Mia's locker I felt my phone vibrating against the front of Mia's jeans pocket, I took the phone out to see a text message

Mia~ I'm here at the college entrance, make your way to the toilet now, I'll meet you there!

Maya~ Kk big sis meet you there ;) are you going to tell me why all this secrecy and disguises are needed? Xxx

Mia~ Go to the toilet I'll explain everything to you, try not to stand out or act out of the ordinary, you know how I feel about attention!

Maya~ Don't worry sis you know me ;) xxx

Mia~ Exactly! That's why I'm worrying.

Maya~ Don't worry big sis your rep is safe xxx

Mia~ Fine, whatever! Just come to the toilet already!

After the texting war with Mia, I went to the girls' toilets and texted Mia saying that I was in the toilet, a few minutes later I texted her, a girl wearing a full leather outfit that covers all her body but at the same time gave her body some detail came out of one of the booths, she was wearing a black and pink helmet that had a black tinted screen, though I couldn't see her face she had an air of familiarity surrounding her. She started to take off her helmet inching it upwards slowly as if creating suspension, I had the slightest feeling that I knew who this was but I couldn't be sure it's not like her, if it was her, to dress like this because she knows it will only attract attention as she will stand out like a sore thumb and she hates that, no one knows my sister more than me not even our parents know us better an each other, Mia knows all my secrets and in return, I know all hers, we're more than sister, we're like best friends, though we have our opposites, we are more alike than what most people think, most of the students attending West Haven can't believe she's my twin because they can't see the truth, for some reason they choose to be blind to reality, we are alike, Mia and me, and we can't be separated, never!

While I was having an internal rant with myself the girl had removed her helmet and she had a half smile on her face, she found my expression amusing for some reason, I knew it! I knew that it was her, the girl in the leather outfit was... was...


Dun dun dunnnnn! a cliffhanger or is it? ooo I love suspense... well... Sometimes, so guys any ideas on who the mysterious biker girl is?

Brr its cold here, does anyone else hate the cold or is it just me, winter season is the worst! :(

Okay so tell me how the story is so far, vote and comment if the story deserves it.

Peace out!

~ Ninja

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