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Sara POV

Today was officially the first day of my senior year. I would say I was prepared for this, but I don't think I am. Anyone living in North Carolina knows about how Cameron and I dated, and I just am not ready to hear anyone asking about what happened between us. That was if anyone even cared.

That's the only thing I'm not ready to face, no one has asked about our breakup, they all just knew it happened. Besides I'm pretty sure everything you wanted to know would either be in a magazine or twisted in the magazine. Either way I did not care.

Ashley, Tori, and I went shopping and got a bunch of clothes. Forwards school supplies, I got a pack of pencils.

My outfit for today was overalls and a crop top. I curled my hair loosely and did light make up. Currently, I was downstairs sitting at our dining room table eating a bowl of cereal. I waited until Ashley or Tori told me what the plans were for today.

We decided to ride with Tori, so I was waiting for her to come pick me up. "What classes did you sign up for?" My dad asked trying to have a conversation. "English, Calculus, and Geology." I shrugged. He chuckled, "Those all have fours at the ends right?" I shook my head, "Only English." I shrugged.

He smiled and nodded, "All AP classes?" He asked, I nodded. "What electives did you sign up for?" he asked. He was being really nosy...

"Home Economics, Photography, and Interior Design." I answered. "That's only six classes." He stated scratching his head, "I have a free period." I shrugged. "Do you want me to take you out for lunch? We could always continue our tradition. You know? Every first day of school I take you out for lunch." He reminded me.

I shook my head, "No, I made plans with Ashley and Tori, we're going out for lunch at Jollibee's." I stated. "Oh, well then. Maybe tomorrow." He smiled, I nodded and my phone started ringing. "That's my ride." I told him getting up. "Wait, do you need any money?" He asked. I shook my head, "No, I have cash. Just tell mom I said bye." I shrugged walking out.

I realized I left my cereal bowl on the counter, I felt bad. I normally always cleaned up any messes that I'd make, but I guess one forgotten mess will be okay.

I opened the door to the back of Tori's car. "Hey, you look cute!" She complimented. I smiled, "I'd say so to you, but I can't see your outfit." I shrugged. "Eh, good luck hiding from AP's all day." Tori said. I nodded and got situated before she drove off.


"I'll see you guys later." I told them all going to my Home Economics class.

As I walked in, no one was in the class except a teacher. She looked like she was about in her late twenties. She had a belly that poked out a tiny bit also. She had long brown hair that looked really natural and she had a little tan. "Is this Home Economics?" I asked her, she smiled and nodded. "You're the first student I've had all day come this early."

I smiled and nodded, "Is there a certain place you want for me to sit?" I asked her. She shrugged, "Sit anywhere you'd like." She said. I nodded and walked to the opposite side of the room I was on. It had a window near the desk I wanted. The very first desk on the other side of the room, I sat down and she smiled at me.

"What's your name?" She asked me. "Sara." I smiled, "That's a beautiful name, I'm Marisol, but the principal said I should make you guys call me by my last name." she laughed. "I'd rather you guys not though, so my name is Marisol."

I nodded, "I'm not fat, I'm just pregnant." She said when she noticed I was staring at her stomach. I laughed, "Oh."

She nodded, someone else walked in the room. "Hey, sit any where you like." She smiled.

Something Big *Cameron Dallas fanfictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora