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Couple weeks later , few more days before x mas break :D

Sara POV

"How many of you are seniors in this class?" Marisol asked. I couldn't stop staring at her, I didn't understand how a teacher that's pregnant could look so beautiful.

She was showing now.

I looked around and some people besides me and Cameron raised our hands.

"I hope you guys have started to think about college, I know this is boring to the people that aren't seniors, but trust me I'm the only teacher who'll give you guys the truth on this." She smiled.

"You do not have to go to college if you don't want to. There are plenty of places to work at if you don't get into college, but trust me there are way more opportunities to make money with a degree." She laughed.

"College is a want and not a need, don't feel pressured into doing it." She said. I looked up at Cameron and he smiled, "Hey, did you go to college?" I asked him, that may have sounded funny, but you never know.

I mean, he did graduate when he was fourteen, who knows, he could've been in college between the four years of then to now.

He shook his head, "I didn't." he informed me. I nodded, "That would've been cool though, a seventeen year old who already has a college degree." I smiled.

"Is there something you two would like to share?" Marisol asked us. I felt my cheeks heating up, "Sorry." I said quietly.

She nodded and went back to teaching.

The rest of the class we had to make a list of things we wanted to do before college. Mine was empty of course, but Cameron's was almost front and back of a paper.

"If you guys have forgotten, I am pregnant so soon after the break is over, in January after the first week is over, I will be taking a maternity leave." She told us, I smiled.

"So there will be a substitute for two months in here then I will be back." She said. "Only to see my seniors graduate."

"Wait what?" Cameron said, "I'm going to become a house wife, it's always been a dream of mine." She said, I couldn't decipher if she was joking or not.

"Really?" I asked her, not that it mattered to me. If she stayed or not I wouldn't see her anymore because I'd be graduating.

She shook her head, "I was joking. I'm not that easy to get rid of."

Everyone laughed lightly, "Alright, you're free to leave after the bell rings." She announced.


"So when do you think you'll heal?" Cameron asked me. I laughed, "I still have like nine more weeks to go." I reminded him.

"But this stays." I said pointing to my wrist cast. The doctor said that I'd need more time for that to completely be fixed.

"What should we do for lunch?" I asked changing the subject.

"Oh, I thought you were gonna eat with Tori today." He said, I shook my head, "No, but I mean. If you have something to do then I guess."

"It's not like it's more important than you, I just really have to be somewhere right now." He told me. I smiled softly, but nodded.

"It's fine, I'll go eat with Tori and Ashley." I told him. He nodded and grabbed my neck in his hands, "I love you." He said leaning down to kiss me.

"Hey." someone fussed at us. I turned my head to see a teacher, "No PDA, your identification cards say your seniors, you should know this by now. This is a warning next time there'll be consequences." She fussed.

I rolled my eyes and nodded. "Don't let it happen again." She said walking away.

"Alright, bye I love you too." I told him, he smiled and walked in a different direction than I was.

I should just go to the library for today so I can get an application to apply for a college in California.


"So what are you going to get Cameron for Christmas?" Ashley asked me. I shrugged, "Condoms so we can have sex."

She and Tori started laughing. "Since when did you become a non virgin?" Tori teased. I shrugged and smiled, "So you and Cameron are pretty serious now?" Ashley asked.

I nodded, "Yeah, we're about to graduate guys." I reminded them. Ashley smiled, "I know!" She exclaimed.

"We can go shopping for dresses or whatever you guys wanna wear after Christmas break so we can fit them better." Ashley suggested.

"What?" I questioned. "Never mind." She laughed.

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