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The girl stood up and understood that there was no sense in asking for help there. Besides, her coins were left in the hotel. She definitely didn't know anything about the city and what she could do in it. She was terribly tired. She saw some benches in a picturesque street and went there. But at first, Irbis looked around to see if she after sitting on a bench would have to pay one more fine. Having seen that other people were sitting without any problems she too sat down. Her belly was rumbling and she started neatly eating the rest of her food. But what to do next? Maybe she could ask someone else for help? After all, should there be any humanity in humans? To tell you the truth, my dear reader, Irbis didn't want to deal with men anymore so she decided to appeal to the women's part of the population.

She saw some woman in ages that looked quite decent accompanied by some man. The girl decided to speak with her. That woman looked at her like at some oddity and listened to her without any sign of compassion and as if she was an unknown animal making strange noise. Without hearing the full story, she desired to get rid of such company as quickly as possible. Her companion took Irbis aside and said in half-warning and half-threatening voice that if she ever disturbed the peace of the noble respectable woman ever again, she would have very great troubles.

Then she came up to another woman sitting on other bench and addressed her. That had an expression of great tiredness but she listened to the girl with such attention that hope appeared in her. But alas...

"Forgive me, child, but I cannot help you though I'd like as much as I'm able to. I am just a servant and I myself don't belong to myself and live not in my house. Alas, I need to hurry or I will be fired. Ask someone else," the woman answered and then stood up and took her baskets with different goods.

"Let me help you then," said Irbis taking a couple of baskets from her. The woman looked at her in surprise.

"You are a very good girl. If only I could do anything for you..."

They went to a street full of grand houses but meant for ordinary people. Irbis took the woman till the door and got her blessing. And still the same question...

Suddenly she heard some noise and went in that direction. The girl saw a lad of about 15 who was dragged by some men. He cried for help but people only indifferently looked at that scene. He was brought to a richly clothed man and knelt down before him. She heard them talking about some debts and the lad asked for mercy. Instead that man treated him roughly and ordered his men to take him with him. The fellow was writhing of pain and these men also told him terrible words. The girl could not help herself and cried to that rich man to let him free.

Everyone looked at her in surprise. It wasn't known what was more amazing: the fact that she dared to interfere, her clothes, which was quite not of the fashion of neither rich people nor poor, or her beauty... Her eyes full of will looked at the rich man and nothing seemed was able to ruin her resoluteness.

"I ask you, Sir, please, let him free," she said with a tone more commanding than pleading.

"Why! Fairy! Queen! Could anyone even just imagine such beauty!" the man looked at her in bewilderment.

"I ask you, Sir, why do you treat this youth so badly?" the girl asked in the same tone not touched by such compliments at all.

"Ah, fair lady, I can explain everything. The father of that boy owed me much. He died and now this urchin must pay the debt."

"Debts shouldn't be demanded thus."

"Goddess, I see that you are not only fair with your appearance but also with your heart. The only problem, my lady, that your heart sympathizes with ones that are not worth of it at all. Some people don't understand that debts should be paid. This wretch ran away from his duty and will get his punishment."

"If all of you only knew in what conditions I had to work!" the lad shouted overstraining his voice. "I had to work over my strength 18 hours a day! If you only knew with what leftovers he fed me and how stroked me with his lash! And how he increased my debt for my mere living in his house! You all would have run away!"

The servants made him become quiet.

"Ungrateful swine!" the rich man roared at him.

"Don't touch him!" the girl cried and stood between the lad and the rich man.

"Ah, how much passion you have, goddess! Come on! I want more!"

He fell upon her with hugs and tried to get to her mouth. She tried to tear herself out that embrace and yelled in such way that she could have been heard maybe in that Rielnast.

"Let me out!"

"I want to get a kiss of these coral lips."

Perhaps he didn't like it. The next moment it was he who yelled and even louder. His grip loosened a bit and a girl managed to get out of it. There was such impressive bite on his lip that even blood accompanied it. The man in anger rushed to the girl but then found himself on the ground without understanding how he could actually be there. The people around gasped. Everything stopped for a moment in amazement and shock. The girl stood over him and a dagger glistened in her hand.

"Now only dare to touch me," she hissed through her teeth.

"What is going on here?!" cried such stern voice that everyone became quiet.

Princess Aravo Part 1Where stories live. Discover now