Chapter 13: The Boy, Love and the Gift

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Zoey wipes the sweat forming in her hands from nervousness. She was currently pacing back and forth in what she now considered her room trying to get ready to go to the full moon festival. She had decided to go because she wanted to attempt to make amends with some of the weres. Specifically Cole's family.

The problem is... she had no idea what to wear. What do you wear to a party you'll constantly be judged at?

She stared at the white summer dress with dread. It wasn't her style in the slightest but it did come off more harmless and maybe more polite than a t-shirt and jeans. Right?

She grumbled at the idea of having to wear a dress all night. It wasn't something she wanted to do but her goal was to not piss anyone off tonight so perhaps it was the better option.

She stood there in her bare necessities tossing it over when a knock interrupts her mental battle, "Are you ready?"

She immediately covers her chest, afraid that the man holding the deep voice behind the door would see her almost naked, "No! Give me a second. Don't come in!" She drags the dress off her bed and throws it on her body. Grabbing some white flats in the closet to go with it.

She didn't want to do it but there were worse things she's done. She quickly pats down some stray hairs in the bathroom mirror and then opens the door to her room to be greeted by the large silver-eyed male, "Alright. I'm ready. Let's go." He stands there and blankly stares at her as she closes the door behind herself so she raises her brow at him, "What? Do I look weird or something?"

"No. You look beautiful. It just doesn't look like you. That's all." He shakes his head and leads the way down the hall.

Zoey crosses her arms over her chest, a bit offended at the comment and ignoring the compliment. She lightly glares daggers at the red t-shirt in front of her, "What do you mean it doesn't look like me? I can dress cute if I want to."

He makes his way down the stairs and chuckles at what offended her, "I never said you couldn't. Forget I said anything about it. Come on."

She stops at the bottom of the stairs and looks around, not finding a familiar blonde head, "Is Kali not coming with us?"

"She'll be coming later with my mother and Max. My mother can't be out too much and all those people will give Max anxiety so she's going to ease him into it." He opens the door and holds it open for her, "After you."

She stares at Damon, even in a regular red t-shirt and black shorts he radiated a completely different aura than she was used to but she was growing accustomed to it. She wasn't sure whether that was good or bad but she tried not to think about it too much.

She takes a deep breath, still worried about what she was walking into. It was probably written all over her face because Damon gives her a smirk, "They won't eat you, Zoey. You're too gamey for our liking."

She gives him an overly fake smile and punches him as she walks forward, "Funny. Asshole." The last part she mumbled more to herself than to him but it did ease her worries a bit.

There were a few things she learned in the past week. One, Damon almost always knew how to cheer her up when she needed it. Two, he was always busy with something, whether it was his responsibilities with the pack or in his study doing whatever he does for work. Three, he always tried to spend some time with her whether it was just a movie or talking on the back porch. She enjoyed those talks especially because she got to learn more things about Cole like how he always managed to get Damon and him out of trouble when he got them into it.

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