Chapter 23: Guilty Until Proven Innocent

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Zoey eagerly makes her way down to the first floor to speak to Damon when a commotion from outside the front door stops her in her tracks. What was going on now? She could hear Damon's voice along with many others that she didn't quite recognize, and they didn't sound pleased.

The front door swings open, and the first one to enter was Kali looking distressed, with Damon following behind her. The moment Kali laid her eyes on Zoey, she made her way to her, "Zoey, I don't think it's a good idea for-" she was cut off by the mob of people that came in yelling and screaming.

"You! You did this to them!" One of the women pointed in accusation.

Kali stands next to Zoey and wraps her arms around her as Damon stands between the angry werewolves and the two girls, "Everyone, please calm down." He spoke to them in a gentle voice, trying to ease the tension.

Tears ran along most of the women's faces, and the men's faces stayed red with anger, "Why are you protecting her, Damon?! She poisoned our kids! If they die because of you, we'll rip you to shreds! I knew nothing good would come from having a T.E.R.A agent in our pack!"

Damon clenches his jaw and looks at them solemnly, "Joseph, please. She didn't poison your kids. She doesn't have access to wolfsbane like everyone else in our pack, and she rarely leaves the main house. I will find out who poisoned your kids, and there will be justice, but I need you to trust me."

"Some people said they saw her pick up the tranquilizer that the rogue werewolf brought with him. She stashed the wolfsbane in the tranquilizer. How can we trust you if you protect her over your pack in every situation?! And you never told us what happened with that strange werewolf or why you've tripled patrols around pack territory. You're keeping secrets from us, and we'd like to know what. For all we know, you're plotting against us with her! Nothing like this ever happened when James watched over us."

Damon's eyes fell, and Zoey's heart ached for him. She knew how important his pack was to him and how he would do anything to protect it. He even kept secrets from her for the good of his pack, and here they were accusing him of betraying them. She wanted to speak up to defend him, but she figured her opening her mouth would escalate the situation, and that was the last thing they needed, so she decided to keep her mouth shut.

What they said struck a nerve with him, "That's enough! I realize I'm not the same alpha as my father, but I have always put this pack first, and I will find out who did this. Everything I do is for the pack. My father thought I was fit to take over the Minoans pack after him. I wouldn't be here if he hadn't; if you don't have faith in me, then at least have faith in his final decision as pack alpha. Give me a chance to find the real culprit. If I can't, and you still believe I have no right to be your alpha, and I put my selfish needs before the pack, then I will step down and leave the pack. You have my word."

The room goes dreadfully quiet. Damon's declaration had caught even the angriest parents by surprise.

Zoey furiously shakes her head. Is he crazy? His pack means the world to him, and he just said he'd give it up, and it was all because she was there, burdening him just like she did with Cole.

She was about to speak up when another booming voice broke the silence, "Well, well, well, did I come at a bad time?" Everyone turns toward the entrance to see Gordon standing there with the two pack members from before.

Damon glares at Gordon, clearly in no mood to deal with him. No one had noticed him come because of the conflict. Damon looks back at the grieving parents, "Now, if you'll please go back home and be with your kids. I'll make my rounds in an hour, and I won't leave any stone unturned."

They gave Damon their last worried looks, and some even gave Zoey murderous glares before they shuffled their way out of the main house past Gordon and the other two men.

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