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Ji Yun: Well nothing is gonna change if I stay weak and hate myself, cause in the end you only have your self, I just need to stay strong to face the world.

Ji Yun: Though I sometimes think I only exist. My life is no fun, no love and nothing, but I will not get weak....

I said as I got up to leave and went to my and slept peacefully.....


I woke up and saw the time, I only slept three hours.....

I got up to get ready


After I got into Min Jae’s car

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After I got into Min Jae’s car......

Min Jae: What are you reading?

Ji Yun: My presentation.....

Min Jae: Oh, Good luck for today’s presentation....

Ji Yun: Thanks

After we reached the office.....

At the time of my presentation....

All were ready as I was also....

Now its time for the presentation, I hope everything goes alright...

Ji Yun: So these are the stocks of our company........[ Guys I really didn’t know how to give a presentation.]

After the presentation....

Min Jae: WOW! You really did a great job!

Employees: Yes, You did a great job...

Ji Yun: Thank you guys

Employee: So as it was your first presentation with another company let’s celebrate it....

Other Employees: Yes, lets celebrate it!

Ji Yun: But guys-

Employees: No Buts. Lets go tonight and have a party....

I knew I couldn’t stop them...

Ji Yun: O-OK

Employee: Lets get wasted this night!

Other Employees: YES!

After work we all went to drink and I told myself not to get drunk because when I get drunk I don’t remember anything....

Employee: Lets forget all our failures and get drunk!

Other Employees: YEAH!

After sometime all were wasted only three including me and Min Jae were sober....
Employee: Lets also get wasted guys...

He said as he offered me a drink as I denied he forced me up as now I was also drunk....

As I see Min Jae is not drunk, I was about to stand up, But I knocked out....

Min Jae POV
Ji Yun was about to stand but she knocked out  and fall on my lap...

Everyone was drunk, I was only sober....

‘I should take her home’ I said as I stood up, and took her and go to the car.....

When I reached her home I laid her down in her bedroom, and was ready to go but....

She pulled me and I fell on top of her...

And accidently our lips touched!

It was the first time, though when we were in a relationship we never did some kind of skin ship we both only kissed each other in cheeks....

But now....


At first I was shocked but I instantly gave in.....

After sometime we both stopped to get some air but then I realized that she will not remember when she is sober....

And now she is drunk. I don’t wanna use her...

So I backed away quickly and go to my home......

POV end

When I woke up I found myself at my house, but suddenly something came in my mind that shocked me.

Min Jae was kissing me


But how do I remember? As far as my calculation I don’t remember anything when I am drunk....

Ji Yun: How will I face him now?

Ji Yun: Ok, just pretend you don’t know.....

Ji Yun: Ok, Just act cool....... But how?

I went to bath....


After getting ready, I waited for Min Jae

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After getting ready, I waited for Min Jae....

Ji Yun: We are becoming close day by day.... Is it right?, should I still trust him?

These thoughts were running in my mind when the doorbell rang...

Ji Yun: Hi

Min Jae: Hello

After we both went to office and do our work....

When the working hours were over....

Ji Yun: I have to buy some groceries, let’s go to the supermarket....

Min Jae: Yeah sure

At the supermarket....

When I was busy buying some vegetables someone tapped my shoulder....

I turned around to see who it was but it was my biggest regret...


Step Mom: Oh, our Ji Yun is here, Nice to see you...

Ji Yun: Oh, nice to see you too....

Sometimes I think this place is cursed for me, Why do I always meet the people I don’t want to meet here.....

And where is this Min Jae....

Step mom: As we meet here, why don’t we go to your house?

Ji Yun: uh, My house is not clean....

Step mom: Its ok, I would like to see where our Ji Yun is staying....

Ji Yun: uh, O-OK, sure...

I was finding Min Jae, and he was coming to me

Min Jae: Lets go

Min Jae: Who are they?

Ji Yun: Oh, this is my step family

Step dad: oh come on we all a family

The memories were hitting me which got me angry

Ji Yun: But that doesn’t clear the fact that you all abandon me, and for me you all are not real family....

Step mom: Oh, but it was the past, and where are all your manners?, this is not what we thought you....

I had enough now

Ji Yun: Talking about manners? You all only thought me how to lie... you all thought me nothing but, how to kill others in back, so please it will be good not to talk about manners with you all.......

Step mom: Oh I see, I am sorry for what I did.... let’s forget the past and make new memories....

Ji Yun: OH WOW, your sorry will fix everything?, in the past you abandon me and tried to kill me, now talking about making memories I will make memories of you all killing me?

Min Jae: Guys let’s not fight here. Let’s go home and talk...

Step mom: I would never fight with my daughte.....

Ji Yun: Correction, “ STEP DAUGHTER”......

Min Jae: How can you be so rude?, to your parents......

As expected, no one will understand me, what was I even thinking?


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