The Unknown Killer

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☆Chapter Three☆

Mia sit waiting in the waiting room at Mercy hospital, "The doc think it might be good" Shane said in a low tone. Nancy looks at him but not in away like I love you but a way to make you feel like she's blames you for doing what ever it was.

She didn't speak she just sat there in quietness. A few minutes later Dr. Gulf came out and told shane the good/bad luck news. "Mr.Hope the way she landed isn't bad, he started. "So what you saying ?" He asked getting mad. "Mr.Hope call your daughter, he stop once more and again got mad before he fit his hands up Dr.Gulf stopped him "Thrust me Mr.Hope. he stop once more and smiled Shane gave up so he did. "LuLu baby girl come here bay daddies here" he stopped and waited. A few minutes later LuLu came out the door everyone cried. They couldn't believe she could walk.

Shane walked up to Lulu and held out his hand and waited for Lu to grab it. Once she did he picked her up and held her tightly. He turned to Mia and the rest, Sarah smiled when she seen Lulu and hugged her. " I'm sorry Lauren" Lulu looked at Sarah and said " My name is Lulu then got in her seat.

Later on Mia went to walk and worked on the Ways case then her phone goes off and it was a text from the same person that texted her last. It reads:

Little Mianna I let her walk, but be careful what you do or wish for cause you will be broken like me"


Mia got up from her seat and went to find Rozie she looked for about ten minutes then finally found her , Rozie looked at her and smiled. " Hi director back so soon?" Mia stared but she didn't say anything. "Director are you OK?" Rozie was worried

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