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Trigger Warnings


Tanjiro was in a black void. It felt vaguely familiar, and it gave him a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach. He looked around and saw a bright light slowly getting closer. However, soon, he realized it was him walking towards the light. Well... Floating would be the correct word

Once he got close enough he reached out to touch it, but instead it pulled him in.

Tanjiro looked around his new surroundings. He was back home? He stood up and walked towards the familiar house on the mountain, but was then hit with a familiar smell. He never forgot that smell. 

He quickly ran towards the small building and slammed the door open.

'This can't be happening again!'


He was once again faced with corpses of his family. Blood pouring out of their open wounds, but the blood didn't stop. Tanjiro jumped as the door slammed shut behind him and the room started to quickly fill with a crimson liquid. 

Soon it was up to his waist, but the moment it reached his stomach his family stood up. He was glad for a moment, but that was soon replaced with fear once again. 

Their eyes were rolled into the back of their heads, they were as white as paper, and they had deep red tears pouring out of their eyes. As the blood escaped his family faster, they slowly walked towards the now shaking and crying Tanjiro.

"Onii-Chan!" Hanako cried out, extending her hand to try and reach her brother "E-everything hurts!"

Tanjiro quickly stepped forward and reached out his hands to try and pull Hanako into a hug to comfort her. Instead she disappeared into the quickly rising red liquid.

Tanjiro felt entirely helpless as this happened over, and over again. His siblings disappearing right before he could reach out an grab them.

Soon it was just him and his mom left.

"Why?" his mother asked sadly "Why didn't you come home?"

"I-" That was all Tanjiro could say as the blood reached his mouth cause him to choke.

"Tanjiro... You could have saved us..." She continued stepping closer to the now drowning boy.


"It hurts..." His mom said the red tears pouring faster out of her now pitch black eyes. "...To know how little you really cared."

Then she disappeared into the deep red lake. 

-----------------Meanwhile With Zenitsu-------------------

Zenitsu had fallen asleep while running his fingers through the hair of the boy who had fallen asleep on his legs.

However he quickly woke up when he heard an abnormally fast heart beat. He opened his eyes and looked around to see where the heart beat was coming from. His eyes soon fell on Inosuke who was shaking Tanjiro, who had somehow made his was directly into Zenistu's lap. Zenitsu suddenly panicked when he saw that Inosuke looked genuinely concerned for his friend. 

"What's going on?!" Zenitsu asked the frantic Inosuke.

"Monjiro is freaking out in his sleep!" Inosuke yelled "And I can't wake him up!"

"Tanjiro!" Zenitsu yelled starting to shake the boy as well "Wake up!"

"IM SORRY!" Tanjiro yelled jolting up. He had hot tears running down his face as he came to realize everything just happened was a dream, well, nightmare.

Zenitsu reached out to try and comfort Tanjiro, but ended up scaring the younger boy instead, causing him to flinch and whip around quickly.

 "Ah! S-sorry!" Zenitsu said before adding "Are you okay?"

Tanjiro's eyes quickly went back to normal before thinking about what to say as and answer to the yellow haired boy's question.

"N-not right now..." Tanjiro said, trying not to make eye contact. "But! I should be fine later."

"Thats...Thats good!" Zenitsu said giving Tanjiro a smile, causing Tanjiro to turn slightly red and look away.

Inosuke looked between a confused Zenitsu and blushing Tanjiro and, somehow, put two and two together.

"Holy shit..." Inosuke said under his breath, while trying not to laugh.

--Time skip because it 1:17 AM and should be sleeping but...FUCK SLEEP--

Tanjiro looked around the forest that him and his two friends were searching. There was said to be a demon near by and several small children have gone missing. However once they got directly into a clearing in the middle of the forest Tanjiro got a feeling of pure dread.

He and the others were not ready for what was going to happen next.

A/N - Wow! 740 words! I'm going to try and get to 1000 next time. I hope the few people who read this story enjoyed this chapter! I'm going to try and get the next one out soon but for now...

Question of the day! - What is your favorite fanfiction troupe/Genre?

Mine "is Angst with a happy ending!"

Have a great day, 

Author - Kun

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