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Swear Words

(Tell me If I missed anything and I will add it)


Zenitsu blinked as the word hit his ears. Tanjiro almost never swore. Something bad happened that was the only thing he could think of. However the same time Tanjiro cursed, Inosuke came out of his daze, his eyes suddenly focused and he was back to reality.

"The hell...?" Inosuke mumbled rubbing his palm on his eyes. "Why are my eyes pissing?"

Zenitsu blinked, "You don't remember?"

"What do you mean- oh." He cut himself off, before his face fell. Inosuke suddenly thought his knees where very interesting as he hugged his legs. 

Zenitsu frowned at this. Yes he and Inosuke almost never get along, but they were still friends. It was more like a sibling relationship if anything-

"Do you want to tal-" However Zenitsu was cut of by a loud, not very manly, wail.

Zenitsu looked down a suddenly realized why Tanjiro said "Shit."

Tanjiro was backed up to the base of the tree the demon crawling on all fours towards him. Its tongues getting way to close for comfort.

Zenitsu went to reach for his sword, but once again Angry Boar Man charged, well jumped, into battle without him.

"God damnit." Zenitsu mumbled before hopping down after him. 

When Zenitsu landed Inosuke had already started fighting, and seemed to be doing fairly well on his own, so he turned his attention to Tanjiro.

He was a mess. He had a consistent flow of tears along with a few choked up sobs, his knees where curled up against his chest, his hands gripping his hair as if he was trying to pull it out and he was muttering something so quiet Zenitsu couldn't hear him until he walked closer.

Zenitsu froze for a moment, Tanjiro was repeating "Im sorry" over and over again. He didn't just sound scared, he sounded guilty. This hurt Zenitsu, he couldn't stand seeing Tanjiro like this. At the same time it also felt... familiar? Tanjiro's nightmare. 

Zenitsu quickly ran beside Tanjiro and tried his best to figure out what to do. He already knew that Tanjiro wouldn't be able to hear, or see him because of his recent encounter with Inosuke, so what can he do? If this was anything like his nightmare then Zenitsu really needed to talk to him about it. He definitely wasn't fine, like he said he would be later that day. Something about that nightmare effected him.

"I should have- Why didn't I-" Tanjiro muttered between sobs and snapped Zenitsu out of his thoughts.

Zenitsu, who wasn't sure this would work, did the only thing he could think of. He pulled Tanjiro into a hug. He didn't know if this would work, or if Tanjiro would even feel it, but it was better than nothing.

"I- I-" Tanjiro whispered, he heart beat calmed down slightly, but he was obviously still afraid.

Zenitsu was extreme glad it worked, even if he hadn't calmed down completely.

He just kept holding onto Tanjiro until he heard a loud shriek, that echoed across through the forest. His head whipped around and he saw the demon fall to the ground and a very scratched up Inosuke stick his tongue out at it.

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