Chapter 5

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Monday was a complete hell! In first, I completly forgot what we learned, so I failed a test; in the hallway, Hope and her gang kept asking me if I had any 'Lucky Charms' this morning; in 4th, (i forgot my phone, so no calling Niall) we had a free period, and some how some girls found out about the tickets, so I was begged and begged for the last open ticket; and in 7th people wouldn't be quiet, so we had a penalty. Well, one thing went right today. In lunch, there was a seat open next to Nathen and Kirsten and Hope were going to fight over it. Hope was walking faster than Kirsten, but Lindsay had tripped her and she hit the ground and her food went all over her. Also her IPod slid out, and on the picture was a school appropriate picture of herself. That was the only thing that went great today.

When I got home, I checked the messages on my phone.

*Niall: Ashley? I heard you got tickets! I can't wait to see you again!*

*I'm geussing your in school so will you text me, or call me when you get out? Thanks love!*

*Hey, I'm sorry for bothering you, but are you front row..or where?*

*Don't think I'm a creeper! I just wated to know where to look! Sorry!*

*Are you home yet? I am SO BORED!*

*The lads say hi, by the way..*

I sighed and texted him back.

*me: Niall, first of all, calm down! Dad and I stopped for something. I can't wait to see you either! Yes, I was in school, and I forgot my phone. Yes I am in the front row, and VIP meet-and-greet. Say hi to them for me!*

Mum had made my favorite food and Da's too. After dinner I texted Kirsten and Niall, I also sat playing my guitar and making up songs and parodys of songs I knew. I ended up passing out around 9:00. Monday was just so bad...


Monday was just as boring as yesterday. I slept till noon and Liam and the lads would not quit bugging me about the concert Wednesday. "I know, I know, I need to work on vocals!" i scowled over and over again. Tomorrow we were meeting at City Hall to set up and practice, then the next day, we'd practice some more, get dressed and made up, and wait till the house was filled and then the concert. Busy busy three days.

I had texted Ashley a few times,and  I felt like I was bothering her so I just stopped. I was about to actually call her when she texted.

*Niall, first of all, calm down! Dad and I stopped for something. I can't wait to see you either! Yes, I was in school, and I forgot my phone. Yes I am in the front row, and VIP meet-and-greet. Say hi to them for me!*

My heart raced. Front row. Mabey I could grab her hand or something cute while we were singing a song. "Oh, Lads! Ashley says hi!" i say while hopping on the counter. "Well, she took a while to text, eh?" Louis said poking me. "She proably was in school" Zayn said. "she was!" i said smiling. "She coming to the concert?" Harry asked. "yeah" The boys had finally stopped teasing me over Ashley. Why was I going insane about her? I kinda fell like I am smothering her. My stomach churned at the thought of Ashley picking up her phone and grumbling 'Oh great HIM again...uhg!' I had to stop thinking about it before I had a heartattack.


Liam woke me up around 1:00 so we could go and rehearse what was going to happen tomorrow. City Hall was amazing. It wasn't as big as most places we sang, but it was still pretty cool. Harry and Louis picked the songs we'd sing tomorrow. We would sing 11 songs:

. Up All Night

. I would

. Taken

.Save you Tonight

.Gotta Be You

.Little things

.C'Mon C'Mon

.Live While Were young

.They Don't know About Us

.Last First Kiss

.Kiss You

I thought it would be a great concert. I got to sing in seven songs! That was pretty amazing! It was 4:00 when Ashley texted me saying that today also was a bad day. I felt bad. Why was this Hope girl giving her such a hard time? I wish I could do something about it, but I can't.

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