Chapter 6

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I sighed heavily. Today, which would be Tuesday, wasn't as bad as yesterday, but it was pretty close. I was hated pretty much all day, because I made a new friend, Abby, and she's the lucky girl who got the last tickett. Abby had long brown hair that was wavy, chocolate colored eyes, and tanish skin. Unlike Kirsten, she was a mild 1D fan, but not insanly. She just knows 4 or 5 songs. We made our way down the hallway, and Lindsay joined us. "Oh, where's Kirsten?" Abby asked. Lindsay made a face and shook her head "you don't wanna know.." "uh, kinda do..." just then I saw Kirsten and Nathen snogging. "well THATS nice..." I said  turning Abby's head in their direction. "oh...yeah..i could've gone my WHOLE life without seeing that.." And hearing that Kirsten ran over to us, leaving a dissapointed Nathen.

"Have a" Abby asked "yeah..eating my brother's face.." Lindsay whispered. "*laugh* guys he IS my boyfriend! I have a right!" Kirsten laughed. Nathen decided, being done with Hope's stalking, to join our little chat our little chat circle. "Girls still hate ya for the tickett thing?" he asked grabbing Kirsten's hand. A girl bumpping into my shoulder and sneering at me, answered his question.

The rest of the day was full of bad comments and Hope. All she did was say "Irish Whore.." all day and to top it off she made a stop by my locker to make comments on what happened in Lunch. At our table, Kirsten,Lindsay,Nathen,Abby, and Hope sitting a little to close of ear shot. "So, ready for an AMAZAYN concert?!" Kirsten asked nudging my arm. "oh heck yes!" Nathen said poking her face. *BUZZ* "who'd be calling me at this time?!" I said picking up my phone while Lindsay and Kirsten covered me.

"Hello?" "Ashley!" "Niall!" "Sorry for bothering you, but I just wanted to see who got the last tickett. We were practicing and I got SO curious! I hope and pray your at lunch!" "Niall, I am, and I made a new friend Abby, she's going. How was practicing?" "oh, well thats great! Practice is tireing.." "I'm sorry" "eh no blood no harm, eh Love?" "yeah.." "well I'm thinking you need to go, eh love? Don't let that Hope be mean alright!" "haha, it's ok, bye!" "bye"

I hung up and I pocketed my phone. "Niall?" Abby asked a bit too loud. " oh please! You can't belive her! She doesn't have THE Niall Horan's phone number! how can you guys be such chokes!" Hope scoffed. "uh excuse me!" Kirsten asked. Oh lord please don't! "Kirsten just drop it...let her believe what her ego tells her, makes her feel better" i said not realizing what I said. "Ashley!" Lindsay laughed. Hope scoffed and got up walked away. "That was pretty cool Ireland!" Nathen laughed. I smiled. I'm not sure that was really a 'big insult' but..okay.

I got home and Mum and Da was laughing over something. "You guys alright?" I said sitting inbetween them. "haha..oh..just some joke your father is telling me" Mum said. I couldn't help but laugh as well. They were so happy and I should be too. After all, it was just ONE DAY, can't get worse right? Peanut climbed in my lap, sufficating me. "Peanut!"


I woke up and skipped downstairs. Hope would not ruin my day today. Todays schedual was, School, Home, Then the concert! I was so excited! Jason drove Mum to school with me, so she knew where it was. No one had picked on me today, they all seemed to have a change in heart. They said 'Hi" and "have fun later' even Hope seemed light-hearted as well. She didn't even talk to me. Even better!

In 4th the girls and I made posters. Kirsten's and Lindsay's said stuff like 'We've Got That One Thing!' and 'We will Rock You!'  Abby made a poster that said 'Marry me Lou?!' and mine said 'Niall's Princess' Kirsten gave me some looks. "What? My name on twitter is IrelandPrincess, so why not Niall's?" I laughed. After school, I got done with my homework and I went to go ready. I put on a nicer top and dark skinney jeans. I pulled my hair up and did small makeup.

"Is Nathen pick you all up?" Da asked. "yes!" i said spinning. "well you look beautiful as always!" Mum said hugging me. I hugged Dad too. *Beep Beep* "Oh yay! I'll see you! Love you!" I said skipping out of the door.


For the last hour, we worked on vocals and got dressed and made up. I was nervous if Ashley would show up or not. She's had such a terrible two days already. "Niall, mate you're hopping like a frog" Andy said patting my back. "i know..but I'm just nervous.." I said scratching my neck. Have I been doing that alot? Oh I hear the fans coming in...

The girl's screaming continued for another 30 minutes or so. Any, Josh and the rest of our band walked out and more screaming came. We all stood side by side ready to run out to the opening song Up All Night. "Ready?" "ready!" we all repeated.

*Music* "Go!" Louis said running out and we all followed. The first face I saw when I went out was Ashley's SHE CAME! Her poster says.."Niall's Princess" aww..


Up All Night played and they ran out. We all held out signs up. Niall read mine and blushed a bit. yay he liked it! They sung amazingly. Harry gave highfives and random hugs, Zayn would hold a fan's hand once in a while, and Liam and Lou did most of the talking. When Little things cam on, they all knelt on the stage. Niall, of course, was right infront of me. "You'll Never Love Yourself, half As Much As I Love You.." He sang and winked down at me. The night was PERFECT!

After wards a lot of girls including us and Nathen were all lined up for meet-and-greet signing. A girl infront of us went and Kirsten jumpped up and down. "oh! I can't wait to see them again!" she smiled. She kept talking, but I kept my eye on Niall. As the girl waved goodbye me and Kirsten and Lindsay walked up to their table. "Ashley!" Niall said jumpping up and hugging me. "Aw guys were awesome!" I said hugging Niall back. "aw really? We picked the songs!" harry said putting an arm around Louis. "Yeah, I picked the kneeling part, so Niall could sing to you!" Louis said smiling. Niall blushed a bit. I handed them a CD I caught while they were throwing them out. "So, excited to see Niall again?" Zayn asked now signing Kirsten's. "yeah! I've had such a bad week already, but you guys could always make it up." i smiled again. They all blushed a bit. I swear, if I could see them everyday, I would. "Lindsay.." Niall said "make sure to tell me where she is next time alright, love!" Niall luaghed. Lindsay shrank back and blushed harder. "well, times up" i sighed and they all wanted a hug this time. Niall's hug lasted the longest. When we left, I found I could not calm down the fast beating in my chest. I never thought Niall Horan could steal my heart so fast..but appearently he did.


After hugging a small 11 year old, Ashley walked up. I have never been so happy to see another human being in my life. Without thinking, I hugged her. She fit so pefectly in my arms. When she left I stared at her untill I couldn't anymore. I was falling and falling hard, I admit, but I will probably never get a chance to tell her again. I sighed at that fact. "Aw Niall. It'll be okay! Tell ya what, when the van is fixed, I'll tell the driver to drive us to her house for your goodbyes! I promise!" Liam smiled. He was a great lad, the best! They all were! I won't get all gushy now..

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