Chapter 7

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Thanks for the reads guys!!!!! You're the best!



Thursday was just like yesterday! It was pretty cool. After Lunch, the teachers gave us the rest of the day! I didn't have Hope in any of my classes at the end of the day, so that was one less problem I had to worry about. Kirsten and Abby ended up bugging me to text Niall, even though he could be busy. "No guys! He might be busy!" I said holding my phone out of their reach. "oh c'mon!!!! What could he be doin?!" Abby whined. "Yeah! besides eatin, what could do at this hour?" Kirsten said snatching my phone. She texted him. "If he's busy, I'm ratting you out" i said swiping the accesory out of her hand and then it vibrated. It was Niall. "Well...I guess he wasn't busy!" Abby said crossing her arms and smiling. "yeah, yeah" i mummbled. Niall and I talked about seeing eachother again. To be honest, I really wanted to. After the concert, I couldn't get him out of my mind! 'Maybe we can go eat somewhere? Maybe a good restaurant?' he asked. I asked Abby about any good restaurants that weren' McDonalds or something.

"Uh...I don't know..." she said scratching her neck then gasped "There's an Olive Garden!" Me and Niall agreed to meet there on Saturday. He had to go, and school had just let out. "You guys are going to my house later?" I asked them. They usually do. "Nah, me and Nathen are going for a date!" Kirsten said skipping away to her boyfriend. "Yeah" "totally" Abby and Lindsay laughed. When I got home, Mum and Jason weren't there. There was a note on the refrigerator.

"Dear Ashley,

Sweetheart, we are going out to the store. Me and Jason will be back around 5, if your friends are over, feel free to eat anything in the frige.

                                                                                                                        Love, Mum and Dad. "

"Well okay then!" Lindsay laughed. I made some Potatoe Bread for my friends. "It was my favorite in Ireland.."  I sighed. We ate happily. "♫Saturday should be AMAZAYN♫" Lindsay sang. "♫youre not going!♫" I laughed/sang. She gave me a look. "So, a date?" Abby said cleaning her hands.I blushed a bit. "maybe, I dunno.." i said hiding my face. "aw! Blushies!" They both laughed.


I told the boys about my uh...well "date". "Niall....look at you! Our baby lepracaun's all grown up!" Louis said ruffling my hair. "Hey mate stop it! I remeber when you told us about Eleanor!" Zayn said. Harry sighed heavily. "aw whats wrong Haz?" Louis said sitting infront of him. "Ah, nothing" he smiled. We all knew what was wrong. Harry wasn't seeing anyone....if Ashley and I date (I HOPE TO GOD WE DO) then he'll be the single one. That brought up Zayn's attention "Uh, guys...rememmber when we all said we were dating somone..If Niall and Ashley date....could she handle the hate some fans will give her?" Zayn asked. Liam and Louis both looked at eachother. "Yeah, Dani nearly cried and broke up with me for some of the messages.." Liam sighed "Yeah...I had to stand up for El too.." Louis said patting Harry's head. I felt terrible "and lets not forget the paparazzi..." Zayn patted my back. "Could Ashley handle all of that?" Harry asked looking up. I knew Ashley was strong willed, but she can barely hand a cheerleader! Could she handle all of the hate? "hey lads! Your getting him all bummde out! Yeah I know about the hate, but Niall will help her! And I sure will! What about you guys?" Louis said tapping Harrys face. "I'll help out!" He smiled "Yeah, she'll be alright, even if Niall can't help, I know I can" Zayn said placing his hand on my shoulder. "It's not just you guys! If Niall's gettin a girl, well count us in to help him keep her!" Josh and Andy walked over. "yeah...we'll help our Nialler" Liam said joining all of us. "Uh lads...we're not dating.." I laughed. "Well, lets make that happen!" Louis smiled.


I woke up around 11. I ate a small breakfast and called Ashely.

"Hello?" "Hi Niall!" "What time did you want me to pick you up?" "Uh, well I guess around 1 o'clock, is that good?" "perfect!" "ok, well I have to go and help Da okay, bye!" "bye"

I had two hours to kill. Oh, what to do, what to do?


I was helping Da clean out the garage. It was 12 when we finished. "Ok, I can get the rest, go and get ready for your date" He smiled. "its not a date.." I said running upstairs. I took a shower, fixed my hair, and got dressed in my favorite tee shirt and pre-ripped jeans. Niall pulled up as soon as I got my purse ready. "hey!" "hi" we drove off. "i hope you got directions?" I asked. "yeah, I looked it up" he laughed. We got a table and talked about what he was going to do next week. When we nearly done eating, a girl walked in. She was maybe 11. She had curly red hair, heavily frickeled face, and wearing 1D attire and a camera. "I'm guessing stalker?" I whispered to Niall. He shoved my hood up. "Please just trust me!" He said putting his sunglasses on and his snapback. "Why?" i whispered drinking my drink. "She has followed us around and sent us some creppy messages.....she's like the PlasticBeiber of the Directioners" he explained. 'o' i mouthed. "How'd she find out we were in Tennessee?" He asked. I remmebered the News from a while ago. "Niall....rememmber the News thing I told you?" "yeah" "The anchor might have mentioned your location...?" Niall's eyes nearly popped out of his head. "perfect.." he mummbled. "its okay...can we sneak out?" I smiled. He saw that she took a seat almost right infront of us. "Yeah...maybe..come on..." He grabbed my hand and we were so close, but the waitress that served us asked for his autograph. The red-headed girl smiled and nearly had a heartattack and snapped alot of pictures. "C'mon!" Niall said grabbing my hand again and we quickly walked out and he drove me home. "I hope she doesn't post that picture anywhere..." Niall said. He walked me up the stairs and to the door. We looked at eachother and Niall stood there blushing. "what?" i laughed. My stomach twisted and my heart raced. He kissed my head and hugged me goodbye. "Ashley....I-W-Would you" "yeah?" "I uh.."Ashley!" Kirsten said yanking me inside. Niall walked down the stepps dissapointed. "Kirsten!" I growled. "what?" "he was about to ask me something.." "oh.." I sighed. "its fine.." i smiled "why are you here?" "oh....uh Your mom invited me over" she smiled. "okay"


I was about to ask her if she wanted to be my girlfriend, but her friend Kirsten prevented that. As soon as I walked through the door, the lads tackled me with questions. "Is she your girlfriend, how'd it go?!" I sighed. I explained that the red-headed girl, Janice, showed up and I told them about how close I was. "aw, mate! Next time! When we leave on Tuesday!" Louis said patting my back. Wait...we're leaving on Tuesday? Oh..


Ok, to those who have no clue who PlasticBeiber is, she was a girl who posted mean things about One Direction and she was OBSSESSED with Justin Beiber. She was extreamly racsist and she blamed alot of the things on our guys, but one day, she was kicked off of twitter and she apologized about everything. :) I hope you like this chapter! The next few should be good, tell me what you think! <3 ~LittleCricketts

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