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If you are LGBTQIA+, here are some reasons to stay...

If you are a lesbian-

to grow old together with your girlfriend.

To get married to your girlfriend

To travel the world with your girlfriend.

To go to a pride together every year with your girlfriend.

To be able to be there for each other.

If you are gay-

To grow old with your boyfriend.

To get married to your boyfriend and make them your husband.

To go to pride every year together.

If you are Bi/pan/Omni/ like many genders-

To grow old with your partner.

Go to pride with your partner.

To get married to your partner

If you are poly-

To grow old with your partners

To get married to your partners

To go to pride with your partners

If you are trans/enby/gender fluid/ any other thing than cis-

To see yourself grow into the person who you made yourself since you had to work for it more than cis people

To start a family as the gender identity you identify as.

To be able to get top and/or bottom surgery when you are older or able to.

To start estrogen or testosterone when you are able to or are old enough to.


There are so many reasons on why you should stay and this is only a part of it. You are an amazing being who hasn't given up yet and you were put on this floating rock for a reason. There is so much to stay for and I am so proud that you have stayed this long and fought the battle that made you feel you weren't fit or weren't wanted or deserving of staying here.

I am so proud of you and all you have been through and are going through.

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