2- winter

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To see another winter

To be able to throw another snowball at that person you have a snowball fight with

To be able to make snow angels

To be able to celebrate the holiday you celebrate

To be able to sit in the window in the middle of the night snuggled up in blankets and stuffed animals with a hot beverage the only light shining through the window is from the streetlights which are covered in snow and make it easier to see each individual snowflake.

To be able to make a blanket fort and turn on cartoons after getting the notification that school and/or work is closed

To sit by the warm oven in the kitchen heating up sweets and holiday dinner


There are so many reasons on why you should stay and this is only a part of it. You are an amazing being who hasn't given up yet and you were put on this floating rock for a reason. There is so much to stay for and I am so proud that you have stayed this long and fought the battle that made you feel you weren't fit or weren't wanted or deserving of staying here.

I am so proud of you and all you have been through and are going through. Not many people have went through what you have and I am so proud of you for staying.

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