3- rainy days

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If you like the outdoors, then here are a few for rainy days:

That first smell of fresh air outside that has the slightest scent of freshly fallen precipitation.

Splashing in puddles

Playing with mud making mudpies or little abstract scuplture peices with it

Running outside  and stepping in the mud feeling it squish and squash underneath your feet

Laying outside in the wet grass or on the wet sidewalk feeling the little drips of rain sprinkling

The little water droplets that get on your glasses that makes everything look distorted

The fogged up school bus windows where you can write messages or draw on while sitting on the bus

The fogged up storm doors that you can draw on

Watching raindrops slide off of the leaves on trees

The dripping sound the rain gutter makes on the metal plate under it

If you perfer the indoors, then this section is for you:

Enjoying staying inside

Curling up and watching a movie enjoying the lesser bright light of the cloudy skies

Watching the rain drip from things outside while not having to go near it

Watching the lighting dance across the sky that is followed by thunder when the lighting breaks the sound barrier

Curling up with a hot beverage of your choice and a book

Playing boardgames while passing the time

Indoor recess if your school provides it. Cupstacking, drawing, indoor hopscotch, you name it.


Hey yall. Im so proud of you so proud. This big earth we live on might make you feel small, maybe useless, or even unwanted, but i promise you that you matter.

Im so proud. So so so proud. Another day you lived and fought off your overwhelming thoughts. The battles or battle you are fighting each day you stick around, just shows your so couragous, so brave for fighting it. But im so proud. And im so glad you stayed. I get that sometimes things feel out of control or like theres nobody there for you, but there are. The people who write these wattpads, the people who care about you, theyre all there for you.

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