~Chapter 11~ Things Unspoken

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Whazzup my precious lovely Diamonds?

Sorry if it just got awkward. I'm just really happy that I have finally found the time to update this lovely book!

It's getting intense, don't you think? I'd love to hear who you ship:

Zayn & Maggie: Zaggie? Mayn?

Harry & Maggie: Haggie? Marry? ;D

Soooo I've been planning this chapter now for a few days since I actually haven't been able to update as quickly. Because of that, it has given me plenty of time to think this chapter through.

Still not sure if it will be great because I'm on a seperate computer and the keyboard is all weird and stuff. Warning ahead of time: Sorry if there are any errors. And I'm sorry about all the errors in the last chapter! I saw them today and was like "Holy crap! I really rushed it, didn't I?" And so I went back and edited all (I hope) of the typos and errors. But nothing that is essential to the story has changed. Only grammar and spelling mistakes.

This chapter may deceive your eyes. Everything is definitely NOT as it seems. (;

I'm not quite sure when the next update will be, but hopefully not TOO long. (:

ALSO!!!!! I'm going to add a "chapter" after this one since I've hit Chapter 10! This specific part that I will upload today after I upload this chapter will be very interesting. It's not an actual chapter, but it's sort of like a question & answer thing. So be sure to read and participate in it! I think it will be really interesting!

On with the story my fellow Diamonds!!!!! <3




Follow your dreams & make them reality!

Love One Direction with a Passion!


Louis's pov...

"NO! NO!" I yelled at the t.v. in front of me. Stupid freaking t.v. has been screwing up alot lately, and it definitely doesn't help my frustration when my favorite team is about to score a goal. You can't go wrong with a well played game of football.(A/N: Soccor. (: )

I threw the remote over in the other couch and face planted into the couch across from it. I let out a deep sigh. Now I guess karma is catching up with me, right? Because I ran off in that dream....and now Harry has run off. Pfft....ironic much?

I wanted Harry back! Why did Zayn even kiss Maggie to begin with? I really just wanted to know what has been going up with him lately. Like, why was he so to himself? So much more mysterious than usual?

I lifted my head from the fairly uncomfortable position my face was in. Since it was being smushed into the crevice of the couch cushions. Niall ate on this couch often, so who knows what has been sucked into the black valleys of the couch I was on! I didn't particularly want to find out.

I sat up and leaned my head back staring at the ceiling.

Maybe I should go talk to Zayn. Try to get the information out of him again. I honestly was worried about him. I mean, he never acts like this...well to an extent. He has his own level of weirdness, but this has gone far beyond that measure. So much that I think scientists need to come up with a new kind of measuring system just for how far Zayn has gone off the deep end.

But maybe I'm just exagerating? I don't exactly know the whole picture. So who am I to judge? Maybe Harry and Maggie thought the same thing in the dream when I had run off. My feelings for Maggie were quite extreme. Overflowing actually...

I flipped my whole body around so my head was hanging off where my legs would go and my legs were resting where my back and head would be. The blood slowly rushed to my head as I stood, more like sat upside down, in my thoughts.

...Not anymore though. I have learned to tame my feelings. Which apparently Zayn hasn't, but he needs to. And if there is anybody that can possibly relate to him then it would be me. Seeing as though I have been in a similair position. I've loved Maggie. That is the only reason why he would kiss Maggie, right? Because he loved her? I hope so.

I should probably talk to him, and check on Maggie. They both need a friend right now. Maggie is probably confused to death on what happend anyway. They need a friend.

And I was willing to be that friend since no one else was here at this moment. Usually Liam would do that, but you know....someone's got to take Daddy Direction's place when he's gone.

I heard a loud noise coming from upstairs. Like something had fallen over or dopped. What could that be? It didn't seem to be loud enough to be a person.

I swung myself around and got up. I stood for a second in a daze since the blood rushed back to the other parts of my body leaving my head. I blinked to relieve myself of the dizziness that was overcoming me. Maybe some water first, eh? Couldn't have been that bad whatever fell over since I haven't heard a yell for help yet.

I slowly made my way over to the sink. I grabbed a glass and filled it up about halfway. I stared at it for a second still feeling slight nauseous. I started to drink the water letting it run down my throat. I already felt better from the cool sensation running through my body.


What the hell?! I spit out my water in the sink and dropped the glass in also. Thankfully I didn't hear a shatter from when I dropped it, but the next thing I was doing was running upstairs at light speed! Whatever had fallen or dropped or whatever definitely didn't sound pleasant.

"Maggie!?! Zayn?!?!" I yelled as I ran to the guest bedroom door which was directly above the kitchen so I knew it must have come from this room. I slung the door opened and my eyes widened at the sight.

"STOP!" Maggie was throwing things at Zayn.

This was definitely not good. Whatever happend really cause Maggie to freak out. And why hadn't I heard her yelling before?! Was I deaf!?

"Louis!" Zayn stepped farther away from Maggie.

Why was he in here with her?! Why was she yelling 'stop!'? Why did she have a terrified look on her face? Why did Zayn look perfectly fine?

"I was helping Maggie search for a book she had lost then we had gotten into a discussion about earlier. We had made up, but we started to cut up and play around and she threw some things. Sorry Lou if we disturbed you." Zayn looked at me apologeticaly.

Maggie looked at Zayn for a second with a frightful look then she looked at me. I could tell something was wrong, but she put on a smile like nothing had happened. Like everything Zayn said was totally true. It was confusing.

"Yeah. Sorry, Louis!" She chirped.

Either she was a really good actor or they were telling the truth?

It still was a pathetic lie...if it even was a lie?

I looked at them both confused then sighed. "Oh....Kay...?" I bit my lip and spun around on my heels shutting the door behind me hesitantly. I mumbled under my breath "Make good choices..." And left down the hall to my room which was relatively close to the guest room.

Was I about to spy?


Yes, I was.

Let's Pretend It's Love (One Direction)(Sequel to B.A.S.U.M)Where stories live. Discover now