~Chapter 5~ Snoggings & Ponderings

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Ahhh! :D I love hearing from you guys! Reading your comments just makes my day!

Dedication to the funny girl who really made my night with her comment! ;D

Well I'm feeling quite random as of right now. Thanks to Cassie303. Apparently I'm suppose to come up with some sort of One Direction rap. Well we'll see how that goes...LOL.

Well anyway I'll just go straight to the story.





Follow your dreams & make them reality!

Love One Direction with A Passion!


Louis's pov...

I honestly don't think I can focus. If it wasn't for Maggie and Harry snogging over on the couch opposite of me I think I would be perfectly happy right now.

I'm not jealous or anything. I don't think...

Atleast I'm definetly not like the Louis in Harry's dream or whatever.

Definetly not.

They were perfectly happy so I should be happy too, right? I guess maybe part of Harry's dream was right when he explained how I got jealous about feeling like he had left me. I mean he's my best mate. I just don't want to feel replaced, yet I know she's his girlfriend as of twenty seconds ago and I'm his best mate. Those two spots don't usually  hit heads. I guess I have nothing to worry about. All those feelings can be washed to the side. Harry is  my best mate and I'm his best mate and nothing will change that.

Zayn's pov...

I changed places and went over and sat next to Niall who was now on the floor over in the corner of backstage. I looked at his phone which he was playing on, Twitter.

"Whatcha tweeting?" I ask without thinking.

"#Lockedbackstage" Niall answered smiling.

"Don't you think that's-....err nevermind." Personally that didn't sound like the smartes thing to put out there, but I wasn't about to take place of Daddy Direction.

I looked over at Maggie and Harry who seemed to be having the time of their lives. I sighed slightly to myself as I thought about how I wanted a girl like that. One that I could give my all to.

"Sooo...what are you thinking about?" Niall turned his head and looked at me.

"Well..." I paused for a second. It couldn't hurt, right? " You know how you always talk about finding that special girl...your princess?" I bit my lip thinking I sounded like an idiot.

"Yeah." Niall didn't seem to think so and he looked at me curiously.

"Yeah...um...I was just thinking about having a -"

"Princess." Niall smirked.

"Yeah..." I lowered my head in thought.

"Don't worry, lad. Your time will come when that special girl comes. God'll provide the one girl that's been waiting for you her whole life, and trust me you won't regret it." Niall said.

Dang that Irish leprechaun had some good advice in relationships even though he was single.

"I guess you're right, Nialler." I smiled and ruffled his blonde hair.

Let's Pretend It's Love (One Direction)(Sequel to B.A.S.U.M)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang