~Chapter 6~ LITTLE THINGS! <3 xxxxx

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OMG Little Things came out today and I'm in love with it. <33333 xxxxx

I put it on the side ---->>>>>>

It's absoulutely amazayn...it made me want to cry and I don't cry...at anything!

For once a band sings about a girl that isn't perfect and skinny...a girl that doesn't look like a model or anything. A girl that doesn't know what she deserves...doesn't know how perfect she was made. A girl that just wants to know that no matter how she looks....she's still BEAUTIFUL.

You hear that diamonds?...

You are beautiful.


(Sorry about grammar & spelling)




Follow your dreams & make them reality!

Love One Direction with a Passion!!! xxxxx


Maggie's pov...

"Truth, eh? Hmm..." I pondered what to ask him.

He sat there silently waiting for me to blurt something out. On truths...you can always lie so I don't exactly get the point of them.

"What's been going on with you lately? You're acting strange." I looked at him.

"That's not a truth." He avoided answering.

"Yes it is!" I argued. "I'm asking a question and you have to answer truthfully."

He sighed and glanced at all of us. "Er...Nothing." I looked at him sternly.

Niall looked at him then looked down like he knew what was going on but he had decided not to say anything.

What's wrong with Zayn?

"That's not an answer..." I said hesitantly.

"Yeah it is..." He replied blunty.

"Fine..." I sighed. I bit my lip. "I'm going to go find something to drink and eat."

Niall perked up and stood up along side me.

Zayn stayed silent and looked down at his lap. I really wish he would tell me what's going on. Maybe he just didn't want to say it in front of everybody.

"Let's go Maggie!" Niall grabbed my wrist while I was still staring at Zayn questioning what was wrong. Niall pulled me back to where the waters were thinking that if there was any chance of any food or other drinks hen it would be around in that area.

I looked around with him for a few minutes. "I don't think theres any food, Nialler."

"Don't lose hope!" Niall protested.

"TIME TO GO!" Paul yelled from the middle of the room.

Me and Niall literally jumped out of our own skin at the startlement Paul had caused us.

We all walked over to where Paul was as he looked at me questionably still. "Is she coming with us?"

"Yeah." Harry nodded and walked over to me and snaked his arm around my waist.

Let's Pretend It's Love (One Direction)(Sequel to B.A.S.U.M)Where stories live. Discover now